Steven Halpern

Steven Halpern

中文名:Steven Halpern 别名:史蒂芬·哈本 国籍:美国 出生地:美国纽约州纽约曼哈顿 生日:1947 年 简介:史蒂夫·哈珀恩(Steve Halpern)是原始的新时代艺术家,最准确的意义。 1975年,他发行了Spectrum Suite,他的第一张音乐专辑旨在放松和愈合。在此之前,Halpern作为小号手和吉他手沉浸在纽约市的爵士乐场面。他对加利福尼亚州的移动强调了他对快车道生活的不利影响的厌恶,在那里他完善了他的反狂妄替代音乐的想法。部分基于他的形而上学的信仰,部分是对声音对人体的影响的更加坚实的科学研究,得出结论,西方的音乐紧张和释放的基础不能为听众提供缓解压力。他决定答案是创造没有传统意义上的任何地方的音乐,而是将听众浸入有利于康复和超验体验的积极气氛中。 Halpern创作的音乐主要集中在电钢琴附近的主要琶音级联上,他还增添了大量的混响帮助,创造出一种世间其他的世俗感。他从东方古典音乐中吸取了一定的灵感,并研究了古代文化所使用的声音的礼仪,神奇和治疗方面。虽然他的一些想法接受了新时代神秘主义的伪科学,但哈珀斯作为现代冥想和愈合形式音乐的真正父亲之一的重要性是不容忽视的。他发行了超过50件仪器和导向录音,其中有些比其他录音更好。他还撰写了两本关于他的理论的书:调整人类健康和健康健康。 荣誉记录:In 1989 Halpern was awarded the Crystal Award at the first International New Age Music Conference.[13] In 2013 Halpern was nominated for the Grammy Award for Best New Age Album for his album Deep Alpha. Early career:Halpern played trumpet and guitar in the New York City jazz scene of the 1960s, but became disenchanted with it and moved to California. There he began exploring the idea of creating music entirely for the purpose of relaxation, which he called "anti-frantic alternative" music.[1] He began creating music which did not adhere to traditional Western tonality, but which instead consisted of static, minimalist pieces for electric piano inspired by Eastern music. He is a proponent of theories which emphasize the healing properties of music. He has been named by MTV as "the original new age artist",[2] beginning his new age performance career in 1969.[3] His first album was Spectrum Suite, released in 1975 and which is considered to be one of the first true new-age music albums. He began an alternative marketing campaign in order to raise awareness about his music as the genre was not yet widely known. He focused at venues like health food stores, yoga conferences, and alternative retailers.[4] In Billboard Magazine, John Diliberto stated that this album and Halpern's independent marketing techniques "pioneered the market".[5] The inspiration for the album came partially from an experience Halpern had in the California Redwoods, as well as trance or altered states he felt were inspired by his moments there. Commercial success:In the following ten years Halpern sold more than one million albums, which he released through his independent label Halpern Sounds. In 1985 he signed with Gramavision, and began releasing music through more mainstream labels.[7] Gramavision also licensed Halpern's prior albums for sale in more traditional retail sectors, as well as alternative ones.[8] Halpern has recorded more than 50 albums. The most commercially successful of these was 2000's Deja-Blues, which reached #18 on the U.S. Billboard Top New Age Albums chart.[9] He is also the author of two books, Tuning the Human Instrument and Sound Health. Halpern has provided readings from his books and lectures in accompaniment to his performances.[10] Halpern was also an inaugural member of the Independent Music Awards' judging panel to support independent artists.[11] Halpern's musical albums have been known to sell at a consistent rate for up to 25 years after their release,[12] and by 1996 he had sold more than two million albums.[13] In addition to being a recording artist, he is known as one of the founders of the new age music philosophy, which created the musical trends within the genre.[14] Part of his philosophy was to replace more static noise providers like television or radio with sounds that resonated better with the chakras.

