Medwyn Goodall

Medwyn Goodall

外文名:Medwyn Goodall 中文名:梅德温·古铎 生日:1960 生肖:牛 国籍:英国 出生地:肯沃郡 语言:英语 职业:创作歌手,音乐家 音乐类型:古典,爵士 代表作:Eye of the Wolf 乐器:钢琴 活跃年代:1972年至今 简介:Medwyn Goodall,中文译名梅德温·古铎。著名新世纪音乐家。一九六一年生于英国Harrowgate(肯沃郡)的Yorkshire Dale。精通各种乐器(尤其吉它)。喜欢以古文明人作为创作的题材,并在自然环境中寻找灵感,他能将旋律完美准确地嵌入,有着素人音乐家无可抗拒的魅力!Medwyn Goodall从他的家乡和工作室所在地Cornwall那美好的乡村景色中获得了灵感并将它们融入到自己的音乐中。 从艺历程:新世纪音乐天才Medwyn Goodall生于英国肯沃郡。平时他喜欢猫,喜欢科幻片,吃素。 Medwyn Goodall自他家乡肯沃郡的工作室开始,便投身于通过音乐来表现大自然的壮丽和秀美。Medwyn精通各类乐器,但最擅长演奏吉他。这里还有一段小插曲,60年代,但是十一岁的Medwyn得到了他的第一把吉他。这是他遇到了当时英国著名的流行乐手Cliff Richard, 他不断鼓励小Medwyn从事音乐事业,这为他后来的成功打下了坚实的基础。 Medwyn的音乐旋律优美,富于表现力,给人以激情。它的作品中不仅有描写南美安第斯风情的,如"女巫医";又有描绘美洲印第安部落的,如"守护神","鹰的精神";还有崇尚大自然的,如"海豚"等。这些作品把人的精神带入了崇高的境界,远离世俗的喧嚣。 Medwyn Goodall,一九六一年生于英国Harrowgate的Yorkshire Dale,并在这个美丽的乡下他度过了他的童年,他姓名中的Medwyn是一个古凯尔特名字,现在在威尔士地区还可以听得到。他是一个完全的素食主义者,没有孩子,是个十足的爱猫人;喜欢科幻电影、池塘、水族箱,还有漫步。他在六十年代的流行乐曲声中长大,他尤其喜爱Beatles和Beach Boys--他们的旋律影响了他,促使他要求并得到他的第一把吉它;Medwyn Goodall长到11岁的时候见到了英国流行歌星 Cliff Richard,他鼓励他走上了音乐的道路。当他在他的吉它上掌握了两三个和弦之后就马上开始了作曲,并且和许多象他一样十几岁的年青人组成的乐队去演奏。其中一支叫Trax的乐队曾经在电视和电台的节目中出现,并且作为英国广播公司的嘉宾出现。Medwyn Goodall靠自学而精通多项乐器,其实他并不会读或写谱,但却在自建的工作室里录制下自己作曲、编曲的音乐,令人惊奇的是你可以在他每张作品中,找出一打以上的乐器来......Medwyn Goodall喜欢以古文明人作为创作的题材,并在自然环境中寻找灵感,他能将旋律完美准确地嵌入,有着素人音乐家无可抗拒的魅力!Medwyn Goodall从他的家乡和工作室所在地Cornwall那美好的乡村景色中获得了灵感并将它们融入到自己的音乐中。他的主要乐器吉他,同时它还能演奏一打以上的乐器。他发明了他自己特有的风格,富于旋律性,表达性同时优美异常。Medwyn Goodall最终还是成为了一个自然音乐家,他拾起许多乐器并演奏它们。他演奏乐器的范围十分惊人,包括低音提琴,曼陀林,钢琴,鼓,竖琴,长笛,钟琴,牧笛,电颤琴和各种电子合成器。他自己设计并修建了自己的录音室,并设置了各种各样的取样器(Medwyn声称这是他最喜欢的乐器,因为它们能演奏出世界上的所有声音),合成器,吉它和丰富声学设备。 主要作品:1986 - Emergence 1987 - Innocence 1988 - Kindred Spirits 1988 - Paradise Moon 1988 - In the Stillness of a Moment 1989 - Angel Sleep 1989 - Gifts of Comfort and Joy 1990 - The Druid Trilogy Volume 1: Druid 1990 - The Druid Trilogy Volume 2: Merlin 1990 - The Druid Trilogy Volume 3: Excalibur 1991 - Medicine Woman 1991 - Earth Healer 1992 - Great Spirit 1992 - The Way of the Dolphin 1992 - Kingdom of the Sun God 1993 - Eagle Spirit 1993 - Coral Sand 1993 - Antarctica, The Last Wilderness 1993 - Leo, 24 July - 23 August 1994 - Four Horsemen, The Waves of Ascension 1994 - Return To Eden, Part 2 of the Waves of Ascension Trilogy 1994 - Alpha & Omega, Part 3 of the Ascension Trilogy 1994 - Siesta 1994 - Golden Dreams, Forever 1994 - Nazca, Land of the Incas 1994 - Green Dream, Chill Out 1 1995 - Purple Dream, Chill Out 2 1995 - Where Angels Tread 1995 - Guardian Spirit 1995 - Neptune, God of the Oceans 1996 - The Arthurian Collection 1: The Grail Quest (The Grail Quest) 1996 - The Arthurian Collection 2: The Gift of Excalibur (The Gift of Excalibur) 1996 - The Arthurian Collection 3: Fair Queen Guinevere (Guinevere) 1995 - The Arthurian Collection 4: Tintagel, Castle Of Arthur (Tintagel) 1996 - The Arthurian Collection 5: The Round Table (The Round Table) 1995 - Moon Goddess 1996 - Priestess, Return to Atlantis 1996 - Winds Across the Pacific 1996 - Alcazar, Flame of Passion 1996 - Spirit of Christmas 1996 - Shoshone Dream 1996 - King Shaman: Rhythms of the World 1997 - Ancient Nazca: Inca Mysteries 1997 - The Dolphin Quest 1997 - Clan: A Celtic Journey 1997 - The Way of the Ocean 1997 - A Christmas Tapestry 1997 - Goddess from the Sea (remastered version of Neptune, God of the Oceans) 1998 - Medicine Woman II: The Gift 1999 - Comet 1999 - Millennium 1999 - The Scroll: Part II of the Clan Trilogy 2000 - Essence of Magic 2000 - Timeless 2000 - Lightstream 2000 - Sacred Medicine 2000 - Dragon's Keep 2000 - Natural Sounds With Music: Water 2000 - Natural Sounds With Music: Island 2001 - Natural Sounds With Music: Birds 2001 - Natural Sounds With Music: Farm 2001 - Snows of Kilimanjaro 2001 - Anam Cara 2001 - Earth Love 2001 - Medwyn Goodall's Seasons: Autumn 2001 - Medwyn Goodall's Seasons: Spring 2001 - Medwyn Goodall's Seasons: Summer 2001 - Medwyn Goodall's Seasons: Winter 2001 - Natural Balance: English Summer 2001 - Natural Balance: April Showers 2001 - Natural Balance: Calm Ocean 2001 - Natural Balance: Call of the Colphin 2002 - Rhythm of the Ancients 2003 - Chronicles: An Epic Tale in Music 2003 - Medicine Woman III: The Rising 2003 - Classics for Healing 2004 - Classics for Tranquillity 2004 - Classics for Creativity 2004 - Eye of the Wolf 2004 - The Dragon's Breath (re-release of Dragon's Keep) 2004 - Medwyn Goodall's Copyright Free Volume 1: Movement 2004 - Medwyn Goodall's Copyright Free Volume 2: Stillness 2004 - Medwyn Goodall's Copyright Free Volume 4: Expression 2004 - Medwyn Goodall's Copyright Free Volume 5: Overdub 2004 - Medwyn Goodall's Copyright Free Volume 6: Christmas 2004 - Medwyn Goodall's Copyright Free Volume 7: Elizabethan Weddings 1 2004 - Medwyn Goodall's Copyright Free Volume 8: Celtic 2004 - Land of the Inca 2005 - Tribal Nation 2005 - OM 2005 - The Sorcerer's Daughter 2006 - Earth Goddess (same as Island Bliss) 2006 - Life Style Series Music For Crystal Healing 2006 - Life Style Series Music For The Dolphin Experience 2006 - Life Style Series Music For Healing 2006 - Life Style Series Music For Perfect Sleep 2006 - Life Style Series Music For Aromatherapy & Massage 2006 - Medwyn's Cornwall 2008 - Serve Chilled (with Tim Rock) 2008 - Amun Ra 2008 - Origins 2009 - Medicine Woman IV: Prophecy 2012 2009 - OM 2 2009 - Druid II 2010 - Clan III: The Lands Beyond 2011 - With Every Breath (with Aroshanti) 2011 - Tears of the Dragon 2011 - Knight 2012 - Earth Healer 2 2012 - Moon Goddess 2

