

简介:LEW简介 LEW 是来自新加坡的男歌手,他在香港出生并长大,回到新加坡后,以唱作人身份进入当地音乐圈。2015 年他参加了 NOISE 新加坡音乐导师计划并获得 NOISE 音乐奖。LEW 的音乐常以清新民谣为基调,以诗意的歌词讲述爱情故事。对他来说,写歌是一种独特的传递情感的方式,2017 年发布的首张专辑《Lullacry》即是以伤感民谣释放情绪,探索人类情感关系。 详情介绍 LEW, is a twenty three year old Singaporean singer-songwriter who translates something intangible, emotion, into an embrace that is rough but real. His voice is a melodic silky sound that hugs you like a friend, and takes you home. In 2017, LEW released his debut album Lullacry at his sold-out album launch. The thirteen track album, produced by Bani Hidir, is a collection of stories that describe the true nature of love; love is complex, beautiful and painful.In 2018, LEW released ENFJ - an EP about some of the facets of the human condition that one may experience, and There's Something in My Eye - an EP about falling in love, and then learning to navigate long distance and communication.LEW released his latest EP Red Flags in October, featuring Joie Tan, Julia Gartha, Marian Carmel and Ariyel.

