Charlie Hunter

Charlie Hunter

中文名:查理·亨特 外文名:Charlie Hunter 别名:查理·亨特 国籍:美国 出生地:美国罗得岛州 生日:1967-05-23 职业:吉他手 教育背景:Berkeley High School 简介:爵士手Charlie Hunter于1968年出生在克里夫兰州的Berkeley。他十几岁时就开始学习弹奏吉他,并师从于当地的吉他老师-后来大名鼎鼎的Joe Satriani。Hunter的音乐生涯是从加入一个叫Beatnigs的乐队开始的,这是一个Hip-Hop风格的说唱乐队。显然这种音乐没有令Hunter感到愉快,他不久便离开乐队,组建了自己的一支带有Funk风格的爵士乐队-Charlie Hunter Trio(Charlie Hunter三重奏),1993年,他们发表了第一张乐队同名专辑。由于这张唱片的成功,乐队与Blue Note唱片公司签约,1995年录制了他们的第二张专辑“Bing, Bing, Bing!”。Hunter在90年代中期参与了另一个乐队T.J. Kirk,在发行了两张专辑之后,Hunter重新组合了他自己的乐队,变成了一个四重奏组,他们发表了一张极具争议性的专辑,全盘翻版了雷鬼乐大师Bob Marley的经典专辑“Natty Dread”,融入了摇滚、Funk、酸爵士、后Bop等多种元素。由于Calder Spanier在一次车祸中丧生,Hunter不得不解散了乐队,带着鼓手Amendola到了纽约。在那里结识了管风琴手Stefon Harris和打击乐手John Santos。一个新的乐队Charlie Hunter & Pound for Pound又诞生了,这次在Hunter的乐队里没有号手,这使得Hunter的吉他更加锋芒毕露。后来,Hunter不断的更换乐队成员。2000年,他以个人名义发行了专辑“Charlie Hunter”,再次证明了他惊人的演奏技巧,但他的技巧从来不是用来炫耀的,而是始终为他的音乐而服务。精湛的八弦技艺使Charlie Hunter这位世界唯一的集贝司手和吉他手于一身的年轻音乐家成为音乐上的第八奇迹。 从艺历程:Hunter was born in Rhode Island. At an early age, he was around guitars because his mother repaired them for a living.[3] He and his sister and mother lived for several years on a commune in Mendocino County, California, then settled in Berkeley. Hunter graduated from Berkeley High School and took lessons from guitarist Joe Satriani. At eighteen he moved to Paris.[3] He has stated that busking in Paris gave him on the job training.[4] Returning to San Francisco, he played seven-string guitar and organ in Michael Franti's political rap group, The Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy. In 1992, they were one of the opening acts for U2's Zoo TV Tour. On his debut album, Charlie Hunter Trio (1993), he played seven-string guitar with Dave Ellis on saxphone and Jay Lane on drums.[3] On the next album, Bing, Bing, Bing! (Blue Note, 1995), he played an eight-string guitar custom built by Ralph Novak. In the 1990s, Hunter played in the band T. J. Kirk, which got its name from three musicians whose music it covered: Thelonious Monk, James Brown, and Rahsaan Roland Kirk.[3] The band released two albums before breaking up.[2] Hunter co-founded Garage a Trois, a jazz fusion band[3] with Stanton Moore and Skerik,[5] and Groundtruther with Bobby Previte.[2][3] In the summer of 2007, he toured in a trio with keyboardist Erik Deutsch and drummer Simon Lott[3] and recorded the album Mistico (Fantasy, 2007). He performed on three songs on D'Angelo's album Voodoo (2000), including "The Root".[6] He has stated that the session for the song was the most challenging session he has worked on.[6] He was an inaugural member of the Independent Music Awards' judging panel to support independent artists.



