Howie B

Howie B

小简介: 英国人.真名霍华德/伯恩斯坦.1963年出生于苏格兰格拉斯戈.毕业于曼彻斯特大学心理学专业.上世纪80年代,.他进入著名电影音乐人斯坦利/梅耶斯的工作室,后成为其助手,由此开始了自己的职业生涯.他的第一份音乐制作工作是帮著名流行乐队Soul IIsoul制作并录制专辑.而让他崭露头角的则是为超级punk乐队Siouxsie and basnshezy的歌曲 所做的再混音. 1994年对他无疑是决定性的一年.他不仅创立了自己的独立唱片厂牌pussyfoot,而且他所加盟的著名组合Skylab亦成功跃居当年排行榜的首位.同年,他为冰岛女歌手bjork精心打造的专辑获得了空前的成功.这为他接下来与U2等大牌艺人的合作奠定了坚实的基础,同时也为他赢得了超级音乐制作人的声望. 1996年,他发行了自己第一张个人专辑 ,其中所表现出的美学趣味与实验精神预示着一代音乐宗师的即将诞生.这在他稍后发表的 和中得到了印证.在他为U2制作专辑的期间,我们得以见识他作为DJ的另一面.作为U2的第五个成员,Howie B所做的DJset显然极大地加强了U2的现场演出效果.正是源于他丰富的音乐经验和听觉探索,因此Howie B比其他任何DJ具有更强的包容性.几乎所有当代流行音乐的体裁都能在他的演出中找到一席之地.也许是被90年代英国日益昌盛的俱乐部文化所吸引,Howie B最终成为了伦敦最好的俱乐部Fabric的驻场DJ.2002年,他推出了给人深刻印象/名为的混音大碟.而所有这些还不足以构成他生活的全部.他一度也是一位导演和独立制片人.1999年,Howie B拍摄了一部颇受好评的短片 .很难说他下次带给我们的会是什么样的惊喜. Howie B. was a popular London-based DJ and nascent studio hand prior to his move into full-time recording and production in the early 90s. Born in Glasgow, his association with Bristol club faves like Soul II Soul and Massive Attack fueled his aesthetic on a fusion of soul, hip-hop, house, jazz, and funk, first hazarded on early collaborative projects like Dobie and Nomad Soul. B. set up his own label, Pussyfoot, in 1994, already having released tracks under the his own name and Olde Scottish through noted outbound hip-hop imprints 2Kool and MoWax, and a small-but-steady stream of material moving hip-hop instrumentals a step beyond the experimental joined Bernstein with beat junkies like DJ Shadow, U.N.K.L.E., Portishead, and Coldcut at the forefront of a U.K. breakbeat renaissance. Although his genre-spanning work with Skylab on 1994s #1 brought his talents for organized chaos before a wider audience, it was ultimately his role in the production chair for such artists as Tricky, Bjork, and, eventually, U2, that landed him a multi-album recording deal with Polydor which yielded LPs including 1996s Music for Babies, 1997s Turn the Dark Off and 1999s Snatch.

