Love Like Blood

Love Like Blood

简介:Love Like Blood——一个哥特摇滚的传奇故事,10年——一段相当长的时间,一段不仅仅从一张张唱片上来体现的历史,而这支四人乐队的核心成员仍由Eysel组成——弟弟Yorck主要负责Love Like Blood的主音和大部分的歌词创作,而哥哥Gunnar是贝斯手,比较喜欢隐藏于幕后。   乐队第一张唱片是由他们自己的品牌Deathwish Office发行(Deathwish Office日后也搞出了一点问题)——1989年的一张4首单曲的EP“Sinister Dawn”拉开了Love Like Blood的演艺生涯。乐队的接下来一步是1990年的Love Like Blood首张专辑“Flags of Revolution”,这是一张当年比较经典的专辑,其中还包括了不少乐队的政治见解,这同时专辑还入围一系列另类音乐榜单,并被称为是乐队突破性的一张作品。同年乐队还作了首次人事变动——原来的吉他手Peter Büchele离开了乐队,并由Stephen Noschilla顶替。1991年乐队又来来了一张5首单曲的mini专辑“Ecstasy”,其中收录了乐队一系列翻唱曲目,还包括Rolling Stones的“Angie”,这一切都充分表现了Love Like Blood对于翻唱摇滚乐奠基人乐队的歌曲从不惊慌退却。随后乐队在举行跨欧巡演时发行了一张midsize专辑,这张专辑只要是献给那些热爱Love Like Blood的广大歌迷的。   1992年4月,乐队发行了“Kiss & Tell”,这是Love Like Blood第一次由Rebel/SPV唱片负责发行,同时也从此开始了乐队与厂商长时间的合作关系。让乐迷们惊喜的是,1992年Love Like Blood发行了许多唱片,而此时乐队又调整了阵容——由Mark Wheeler出任新的吉他手。同年9月份专辑“An Irony of Fate”新鲜出炉,10月份又重新发行了“Sinister Dawn/Ecstasy”和“Flags of Revolution”,最后在12月紧跟着的是单曲碟“Demimondes”的发行,这几张专辑都无不体现着Love Like Blood音乐创新的无穷活力。   1993年10月乐队发行了RP“Stormy Visions”,作为下一张专辑“Odyssee”的序曲,“Stormy Visions”更进一步明确体现了乐队以舞曲风格为核心的音乐发展方向,唱片中标题曲中电气化的混音效果就好好地证明了这一点。而专辑 “Odyssee”1994年1月发行后,Love Like Blood再次经历了一次人事的重组——Mark Wheeler被扫地出门并由新的吉他手Colin Hughes顶替。在“Odyssee”出炉不久之后,乐队发行了一张新的EP“Flood of Love”,这张唱片中包括了许多混音版,另人称奇的是,其中还有一首David Bowie“Heroes”翻唱曲目——不过是以Love Like Blood所熟悉的音乐手法来表现的。   乐队沉寂一年后终于打破沉默,于1995年10月发行了全新专辑“Exposure”,这张专辑由Pee Wee Coleman出任制作,在英国利物浦的Parr Street录音棚完成,经过这张专辑的发行,这支影响深远的德国乐队如今已面目一新,同时还保持着原先的音乐基础,并不断向金属发展靠拢。   1996年1月是Love Like Blood有史以来经历的最为严厉的一次危机,乐队一下子取消了为期6个星期的欧洲巡演,并坠入低谷,而关于乐队将淡出乐坛甚至解散的谣言一时风起云涌。此后没有任何官方申明,一个半年一点消息都没有,直到小样“Taste of Damocles”的发行——成为了乐队最为正式的声明。此时乐队只由组队当初的兄弟两——乐队的核心成员Yorck Eysel和Gunnar Eysel,以前的吉他手Colin Hughes和鼓手Joxx Schmid都已隐退的,而这张唱片也仍然继承发展了已有十年之久素有Love Like Blood自己音乐风格的演艺道路。   1998年2月在乐队10周年诞辰之时,发行了mini专辑“The Love Like Blood E.P”,这张全新的专辑对乐队美好的发展前途来说无疑是注入了一剂强心针,乐队的历史也打开了新的一个篇章,一个崭新而更有活力Love Like Blood再次归来,再次威震乐坛。在这张唱片之后Love Like Blood发行了新专辑“Snakekiller”,以上两张唱片都有众多艺人的倾情献艺——诸如Esa Holopainen(Amorphis的吉他手),Ed Warby(Gorefest的鼓手),Frank Schwer(Silke Bischoff的吉他手)等,还有Peter Tagtgren的专辑制作(同时还是Dimmu Borgir,Hypocrisy和Edge Of Sanity等乐队的制作人)。 LOVE LIKE BLOOD - the story of a Gothic Rock legend. 10 years, a pretty damned long time and one which is of course not completely documented by recordings. The nucleus of the 4-man band still consists of the Eysel brothers: Yorck, the younger of the two is responsible for the typical LLB-vocals and most of the lyrics and Gunnar, the bassist, who prefers to stay in the background. Their first release was on their own label Deathwish Office, which caused quite a stir in the years to come. It all started with 1989 "Sinister Dawn" 4-track vinyl EP. The next step in the story was entitled "Flags of Revolution" which came on the market in 1990 as being a typical album for that era, containing serious political statements of the band. This year marks also the first line-up change. Peter Büchele (guitar) left the band and has been replaced by Stephen Noschilla. Nevertheless "Flags of Revolution" has been the album which entered several alternative charts and can be described as their breakthrough album. Love Like Blood returned with the 5-track Mini-Album "Ecstasy" in 1991. A midsize album in between many tours across Europe, which mainly has been dedicated for their fan base. This Mini-Album contains their first cover song of a neverending series. The Rolling Stones-Cover "Angie" proves that the band does not shy away from doing cover versions of bands who have made Rock history. April 1992 the single "Kiss & Tell" was the first release on Rebel Records / SPV and thus the start of a long-term and successful collaboration. 1992 saw a flood of releases, much to the delight of the fans. Further again the band changed their guitarist position. Mark Wheeler from now on has been in charge for about 2 years. In September came the album "An Irony of Fate", in October the re-releases of "Sinister Dawn/Ecstasy" and "Flags of Revolution" and finally in November the single "Demimondes" followed, which all together displayed an abundance of innovation. On "Stormy Visions", the pre-release single for the album "Odyssee", released in October 1993, goes one step further in a very dancefloor-orientated direction, prooved by a truly techno-id mix of the title track. The album release in January 1994 again was followed with a crash of the line-up. Mark Wheeler has been dropped and replaced by the guitarist Colin Hughes. Some remixes and the incredible David Bowie cover "Heroes" been released shortly after the album on the Single "Flood of Love", more in the typical Love Like Blood realms. A year later "Exposure" saw the daylight in October 1995 and broke the silence. Mixed at Parr Street Studios in Liverpool (UK) and produced by Pee Wee Coleman. One of the most influential German band now sounds really fresh, yet keeps the roots but showing itself more from the Metal side. In January 1996 the band rushed into their most serious crisis ever. The band cancelled their 6 weeks Europe tour and felt into deep depressions. Many rumours spread around about a band split, their retirement. No official statements, no news for about 1 1/2 years until the Demo Single "Taste of Damocles" been released as an offical announcement. The band from now on consists just by the brotherhood and founding members Yorck and Gunnar Eysel. Former guitarist Colin Hughes as well as dummer Joxx Schmid retired. But the main heads of the band continue what they have started about ten years ago. So it's no wonder that in February 1998 in time of their 10 years anniversary with a big bang the advance Mini-Album "The Love Like Blood E.P." was released. A new chapter is opened, a fresh, highly motivated band returns and again is setting new standards. Their anniversary E.P. as well as the follow-up album "Snakekiller" have been recorded with numerous highly reputated musicians as there are AC (drums, Lacrimosa), Esa Holopainen (guitars, Amorphis), Ed Warby (drums, Gorefest), Frank Schwer (guitars, Silke Bischoff), Frank Weyzig (Born For Bliss), Susan D'Ivallo (vocals, Moonchild) and finally Peter Tägtgren (producer, Dimmu Borgir, Hypocrisy, Edge Of Sanity.....) Whatelse? We just can say ......... to be continued

