Laurent Coulondre

Laurent Coulondre

外文名:Laurent Coulondre 国籍:法国 简介:Laurent Coulondre 是一位来自法国的爵士乐手。Laurent Coulondre 的动人之处在于他很忠于自我,欲望是他音乐的一切驱动力。他尤其擅长同时操控演奏几个不同的键盘。两只手,两只脚……演奏中的他,整个身体完全沉浸在音乐里,融合于他和伙伴们共同创造出的节奏之中。 他的作品有时就像是荷兰版画家 Escher画笔下迷宫。每当你认为自己找到了出路,却发现只是迷失在了另一个地方——那里有欢乐的海洋里,纵横交错的声音,太多风景等你探索。 Laurent Coulondre也在2016年法国音乐赢家大奖中的爵士乐板块备受瞩目,这是法国文化部设立的颁奖仪式,用于嘉奖某一类型最杰出的艺术家,其在法国的地位堪比格莱美奖。Laurent Coulondre是这复杂自由的一代人的缩影。在他的音乐里,没有太多的标签和流派,有的只是舞台中央的音乐与快乐。 The touching thing about Laurent Coulondre is that this (young) man is true to himself. His music is driven by nothing but his desires. On his keyboards, everything works simultaneously - his two hands, his two feet, his whole body is dedicated to music and to the inextricable grooves he creates with his partners. His work sometimes resembles Escher's inextricable musical labyrinth. Just when you think that you have found the way out, you realise that you are somewhere else – lost in an ocean of pleasure, a crisscross of sounds as so many landscapes to explore. Coulondre is also this year’s Jazz Revelation of the Victoires de la Musique, a French award ceremony where the French Ministry of Culture delivers Victoires to the best artist of a certain genre. He is the epitome of this complex-free generation. No more categories, no more clans, sound and pleasure are given center stage.

