歌手名:IAMX 外文名:Chris Corner 国籍:英国 姓名:iamx 简介: 简介:IAMX (I am X)是他的个人艺名<br/> 真实姓名Chris Corner<br/> 国别:英国<br/> 流派:Electronica ;Rock<br/> IAMX又一个成为我的新大陆,即将追随的新对象。完全一副英伦好嗓音,又是一个完完全全的妖男。音乐风格虽说Chris Corner比较喜欢是电子风味,但是做出来的音乐却是电子加独立摇滚和英伦的风味。在加上他有着一副不赖的嗓音,并且操着英式唱腔。所以十分对我的胃口。Chris Corner所写的音乐,基本主题围绕着性爱,死亡,毒品,偏直的政治观点,怪异,颓废等,都是Chris Corner要表达阐述的对象。 专辑列表:01.《Live in Warsaw》<br/>发行时间: 2008年11月14日<br/> 之前我并没听过IAMX的歌,也是从这张现场专辑才认识到了IAMX。相见恨晚。《Live in Warsaw》是一张现场专辑,如果你也并未接触到IAMX,那么你可以当作是一张精选辑去听,因为无论现场效果,还是乐器效果,还有演唱效果都是完美的。所以,建议从头到尾听。你也会得到惊喜。<br/><br/>专辑曲目: <br/> 01. The Alternative<br/> 02. Bring Me Back A Dog<br/> 03. The Negative Sex<br/> 04. President<br/> 05. Mercy<br/> 06. Lulled by Numbers<br/> 07. Song Of Imaginary Beings<br/> 08. Spit It Out<br/> 09. Kiss And Swallow<br/> 10. Missile<br/> 11. Your Joy Is My Low <br/>02.《Kingdom Of Welcome Addiction 》<br/> 发行时间:2009-06-15 <br/> 新大陆来了,现在妖男Chris Corner也要发行这第三张专辑《Kingdom Of Welcome Addiction 》。同样是十分惊艳,Chris Corner的外表造型依然是那么的艳丽,同时各种音效的混合,在加上钢琴,还有英伦摇滚式的感觉,Chris Corner的妖艳唱腔,足够的张力,超级推荐!<br/><br/>专辑曲目: <br/> 01.Nature Of Inviting<br/> 02.Kingdom Of Welcome Addiction<br/> 03.Tear Garden<br/> 04.My Secret Friend<br/> 05.An I For An I<br/> 06.I Am Terrified <br/> 07.Think Of England<br/> 08.The Stupid,The Proud<br/> 09.You Can Be Happy<br/> 10.The Great Shipwreck Of Life<br/> 11.Running<br/>03.《My Secret Friend》<br/>发行时间:2009年10月28日<br/>专辑介绍:&quot;My Secret Friend&quot; is the latest single from IAMX&apos;s recent album &quot;Kingdom of Welcome Addiction&quot; and features a rare duet with Imogen Heap, who herself has found recent chart success in USA, #5 on the Billboard chart and #2 on the download chart with her latest album. Surprisingly this is Chris Corners first duet with any artist of note but showing he has an as yet un-mined talent for collaborative material.<br/>True to form &quot;My Secret Friend&quot; is yet another dark and innuendo filled electro pop gem, and is accompanied by a theatrical gender-bending video which throws Imogen into a twisted Tim Burton-esque down-the-rabbit-hole world of emotional mind games and inner demons. It&apos;s also interesting to note that this video is another first, being directed by Chris and filmed in his recently acquired studio complex, an old ruined GDR [East Germany] building just outside Berlin.<br/>The single features a radio edit and a couple of remixes, including a mix with additional programming from Joe Wilson, a previous partner of Chris Corner from their days together in the Sneaker Pimps.<br/><br/>专辑曲目: <br/> 01 My Secret Friend (Radio Edit) IAMX;Imogen Heap <br/> 02 My Secret Friend (Omega Man Remix) IAMX;Imogen Heap <br/> 03 My Secret Friend (The Unfall Broken Waltz Rework) <br/>04.《Dogmatic Infidel Comedown OK》<br/>发行时间:2010年03月19日<br/><br/>专辑曲目: <br/>01 nature of inviting (black light odyssey remix) <br/> 02 tear garden (unfall chocolatefurwine remix) <br/> 03 you can be happy (combichrist remix) <br/> 04 kingdom of welcome addiction (aestetic perfection remix) <br/> 05 the great shipwreck of life (pull out kings remix) <br/> 06 tear garden (unfall art deco remix) <br/> 07 think of england (miss derringer remix) <br/> 08 the stupid, the proud (index remix) <br/> 09 my secret friend (omega man remix) <br/> 10 i am terrified (alec empire remix) <br/> 11 an i for an i (unfall x-mess remix) <br/> 12 nature of inviting (terence fixmer remix) <br/> 13 running (cook,kirby remix) <br/>05.《Volatile Times》<br/>发行时间:2011年03月15日<br/><br/>专辑曲目: <br/> 01 I Salute You Christopher <br/> 02 Music People <br/> 03 Volatile Times <br/> 04 Fire and Whispers <br/> 05 Dance With Me <br/> 06 Bernadette <br/> 07 Ghosts of Utopia <br/> 08 Commanded by Voices <br/> 09 Into Asylum <br/> 10 Cold Red Light <br/> 11 Oh Beautiful Town <br/>

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