失眠星球频道 Insomnimal Planet

失眠星球频道 Insomnimal Planet

简介:失眠星球频道成立于2015年中,四人编制,大胆使用各种乐器找寻可能性,追求着实验性的新声音,却不矫揉造作,刻意制造哗众取宠的作品。以阴暗躁郁的灰色,作为其创作的基调,做出复杂而不失音乐性的编曲,追求听觉上更前卫的刺激。 2019年底推出最新专辑「被地球耽误的火星人们」,不避讳的将任何议题和声响化为创作素材,将其音乐推上另一个新高度,一边致力于描写现代人类在这个社会中的不适应与挣扎,也同时将这份情绪化作声音,直接以听觉冲击听众们内心深处的「乡愁」。 Insomnimal Planet is a band formed in mid-2015 with four band members. Eager to seek the different possibilities in sounds, Insomnimal Planet pursues a continuous breakthrough on limitations but never camp it up purposely to draw attentions. With the texture of melancholy gray as its basic composing idea, the music is always subtly balanced between complexity and musicality in order to discover an undiscovered originality. Its latest album "Martians stuck on Earth" has been released in November, 2019. The album takes its music to a different new level as they never avoid to take any issues and sound as potential materials. Insomnimal Planet strived to depict people's unsettledness and struggles in this modern society. At the same time, they converted these emotions into sounds and color, impacting audiences' inner "homesickness" directly.

