Mercedes Sosa

Mercedes Sosa

小简介:深受人们欢迎的Sosa有“大地之母”的美誉,不仅因为她的歌曲感人肺腑,也因为她的人格魅力。 1935年Sosa出生于阿根廷的Tucaman。凭借着优异的天赋,15岁时参加广播电视台的业余歌唱比賽脱颖而出,自此正式展开她的音乐事业。 难得的是,歌唱并未被她当成搏取名利的工具,而是为民喉舌的利器。她在专制的环境里为沉默的人民唱出他们的声音,却也因此惹來政治迫害。 1979年,在一次演唱会上,Mercedes Sosa被捕入狱,后被驱逐出境,流亡海外。期间她在欧洲各国仍然四处巡回表演,藉着音乐來传达流亡异乡的痛楚、对极权暴政的恐惧以及对自身政治立场的思考,直到1982年独裁政府垮台之后才又回到阿根廷。 by Jason Ankeny The driving force behind the nueva canción movement, singer Mercedes Sosa was born and raised in Tucumán, Argentina, beginning her performing career at age 15 after taking top honors in a radio station amateur competition. A rich, expressive vocalist and a gifted interpreter, Sosa was dubbed "the voice of the silent majority" for her choice of overtly political material, and alongside artists including Violetta Parra and Atahualpa Yupanqui she spearheaded the rise of the so-called "nueva canción" movement, which heralded the emergence of protest music across Argentina and Chile during the 1960s. The movement was crippled in 1973 by the CIA-sponsored coup which ousted democratically-elected Chilean President Salvador Allende; with her repertoire of songs championing human rights and democracy, Sosa was viewed as a serious threat by the military regime which assumed power, and in 1975 she was arrested during a live performance which also resulted in the incarceration of many audience members. Death threats forced her to leave Argentina in 1979, and she remained in exile for three years, finally returning with a triumphant comeback performance in February 1982. Sosa recorded prolifically in the years to follow. In fall 2000, Sosa won a Grammy for Best Folk Album for Misa Criolla at the first annual Latin Grammy Awards.

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