イルカポリス 海豚刑警

イルカポリス 海豚刑警

外文名:イルカポリス 别名:Iruka Porisu 国籍:中国(台湾) 成团时间:2017年5月27日 团员人数:4 团员组成:周志明,杨淑芬,林宝珠,陈金发 代表作:《安平之光》《大家都唾弃ㄉ低能婐爱ㄋ》 简介:来自台北的独立乐团「海豚刑警」于 2017 年成军,由主唱兼吉他手伍悦、与双主唱兼吉他手双马(魔法尖乳)、贝斯手钟奕安、鼓手郭逸萱组成,取名自日本知名动漫《乌龙派出所》,外表强壮热心又正义感十足的一个角色,却有一颗纤细的心而有明显的弱点,一如团员的日常生活。 首张专辑《豚爱特攻队》以英雄卡通的概念,将团员塑造成 4 位风格独特的角色;第二张专辑《羽球大报社》将于2022年九月正式发行。这四只珍奇异兽将以莫名其妙又没水平的方式继续分享在人类世界当调查兵团的腥风血雨与其探索之结果。 The indie band "イルカポリス 海豚刑警” is from Taipei and formed in 2017, consists of lead vocalist&guitar Marko Woo, vocaist&guitar Edison Chang, bassist Chung I-An and drummer Kuo Yi- Hsuan. The name of the band is referred to a character from a well-known Japanese animation ”Kochikame (こちら葛饰区亀有公园前派出所)”. The character is enthusiastic and justice with tough exterior, but still has weak and vulnerable inner side. The traits are exactly like the band members in their daily lifetime. The first album "Call me when Night go blue" created the band image and concept from hero cartoons to shape the members into unique characters. The second album "Bad News Punched!" will be released in September 2022, which will share their experience and inspiration through exploring the human world.

