Charming Way

Charming Way

简介:Charming Way的艺人档案 Charming Way 是2011年成立的香港獨立樂隊, 成員分別有主音張明偉 (Aaryn), 鼓手林鋌軒(Hin), 結他手黃嘉麟(Kalun)和低音結他手李兆偉(Ajax)。 因為出生於英治香港,保留著一份殖民地香港人的情懷,他們的音樂被形容為具有復古味的Alternative Rock。通過將九十年代盛行英國樂隊的聲音與廣東曲式的旋律融為一體,他們創造了一種既懷舊又新穎的音樂風格。 縱使他們的音樂是以英文為主,但歌曲提材卻離不開發生在香港這個地方,自己身邊的人和事。而原因是希望除了本地聽眾外,他們希望把這裡的故事和想法唱給香港以外的人聽,讓全世界人能夠聽見屬於他們的聲音。 Charming Way is a Hong Kong indie band formed in 2011 that consists of frontman Aaryn, drummer Hin, guitarist Kalun and bassist Ajax. Their music is described as classic rock & roll with a vintage vibe. By integrating the sounds of British bands from the nineties with canto-style melodies, they created a sound that is both nostalgic and fresh to the ears. Despite their mother tongue is Cantonese, their songs are in English because they want their audience regardless of nationality to be able to understand their story and ideas, being born in British colony Hong Kong before its return to China. They want their voices to be heard not just by the locals, but by people all around the globe.

