Andi Young

Andi Young

简介:ANDI在2015年登上SoundCloud全球创作歌手榜首,是第一个双榜冠军的华人歌手。来自澳洲,4岁起学小提琴和声乐,获得全球华人歌唱大赛亚军,深受评审及听众好评,格莱美得奖制作人Robert L Smith(Lady Gaga ‘Speechless’)高度赞赏ANDI的声音表情及音域,评价ANDI唱歌‘只要情感能表达到的,他都唱得到’。澳洲音乐学院创作学院院长Greg White 称ANDI为音乐神童,鼓励他发行自己的创作,不需要在音乐学院训练,之后ANDI受索尼唱片邀请在澳洲Sydney Entertainment Centre开场表演,以表演风格和华丽唱腔获得好评。 ANDI在代表作Lonely Child之后,于2022年发表新的个人作品Sick of You,融合新曲风,让人期待接下来的作品。 There is a fearless quality to And! Young's music that both confronts and empowers the listener. Gifted with a unique, shiver-inducing voice, he brings something fresh to the singer-songwriter tradition. Young's debut EP introduces an artist at once vulnerable and confident, willing to confess his longings and expose his scars while touching upon something universally human. "Everything I write is genuine from my own life or lives I see around me," he says. "People may lie about many things, even their own feelings, but I find it too hard to lie in my music. I have strong feelings inside me, but I've never known how to communicate with the world in the right way. So I've put everything into music." Raw emotion lies at the core of Young's work. You can hear it in his yearning vocal style and the unguarded content of his lyrics. Rich, well-sculpted melodies and an inspired talent for arrangement make his songs as accessible as they are honest. Themes of love, loss, self-discovery and rebirth run through songs like 'Mutated Love,' 'Lonely Child' and 'Time to Say Goodbye'. From the piano balladry of 'You Go Left and I Go Right' to the propulsive EDM flow of 'Star', his work transcends categories as it combines musical elegance with an intensity that aims straight for the heart. If Young's songs cross creative boundaries, it may be a reflection of his own international upbringing. Born of Asian-American heritage and spending his early years on three continents, he began his musical journey as a four year-old violin student. Daily practice on the instrument helped him develop a real passion for music (as well as a talent for composition that he channeled into songwriting). Singing allowed him the freedom to fully express his emotions, enhancing the skill and discipline he gained from his classical music studies. Early on, he began improvising melodies and making up lyrics to his tunes. "The words that came out were not always positive and that would make me feel so sinful, he recalls. "The words delivered sophisticated emotions that made me scared, so I tried to force myself to stop creating lyrics and melodies. But that was impossible." Over time, writing songs became a way for Young to find solace and healing: "Living in different parts of the world as a child, everything in my life cast sharp contradictions. I had a very difficult time identifying myself. I didn't seem to belong to any particular community. The issue of identity was something I had to deal with when I was a child and teenager, but I gradually grew out of it and started to accept myself as just a human being. These topics would find expression in his music as he matured and mastered his craft. Young grew steadily more serious about music while attending high school in Europe on scholarship. He auditioned for a singing competition in Holland at age 17, winning Best Stage Award as a finalist. The strong encouragement he received from the judges led to his entering further contests and to performing at musical festivals and special events with various cover bands around Europe. Though the applause earned from singing other people's songs could be gratifying, Young's real goal was to develop his own music to its fullest potential. After relocating to Australia, Young applied for admission as a composition student at a music conservatory. The head of the composition department Greg White evaluated his original material and pronounced him a natural songwriter." Ultimately, though, Young passed up formal training as a composer in favor of creating his music his own way, with its raw edges intact. When the time was right, he sought out partners in the pop music industry to help him realize his vision. New York-based producer/engineer Robert L. Smith, known for his work with the cast of TV show Glee as well as projects with Lady Gaga, Aerosmith and David Bowie, agreed to produce tracks for Young after hearing one of his songs. For his dance tune 'Star', he teamed up with producer John Ho, whose credits include Number One Japanese hits with ShiNee (Obsession), Lil Eddie, Mya and Kimbra, among other artists. The results of these collaborations will be heard on Young's debut EP as well as his first album. Young continues to stretch and deepen his talents as he records new songs. Star is a particularly impressive breakthrough, revealing a warm, expansive vocal range that soars above its sleek, pulsating track. If there‘s pain and conflict coursing through the music of And! Young, there’s also a ringing note of hope amidst the struggle. His songs are confessions, anthems and prayers, sometimes all three at once. Come into his world and be prepared to be moved, uplifted and more than a little startled.



