鬱P (うつぴー)

鬱P (うつぴー)

中文名:鬱P 别名:うつぴー 简介:生日: 1990/12/1 身高: 172cm 体重: 92kg 使用VOCALOIDは初音ミク・鏡音リン・GUMI。楽曲の特徴としては、 VOCALOIDで表現することが難しいとされるラップやシャウト、スクリーム、グロウルなどを多用する過激な調教 極端なまでにドロップチューニングされたギター・ベースを軸にした重厚なバッキング が挙げられる。 P名の由来である鬱々とした歌詞は本人曰く「中二楽曲」とのことで、 動画の説明文は「初音ミク(鏡音リンorGUMI)は~ようです」という表現が定番となっている。 从艺历程:Utsu-P (鬱P, lit. Depression-P) is a recognized producer known for his metal VOCALOID songs. Although at the beginning his songs exclusively featured Miku, he now also uses Rin, GUMI, and flower as well. He is well known for managing VOCALOIDs to perform shouts, screams and grunts through the use of filters and effects, and his melody generally has a heavy bass line. Aside from that, his lyrics often are somewhat complex and their hidden meaning is difficult to grasp at first glance. He is also a member and founder of the band Ohayougozaimasu (おはようございます, Good Morning), and producer of the idol group Zsasz.



