

外文名:Naptali 简介:在这个时代,从Naptali身上我们仿佛可以看到雅各儿子的重生。他来自Delacree公园、Kingston 13,出生并成长于斯波尔丁克拉伦登。从小他就发现了自己的音乐天赋。 当看到年轻歌手的天赋以及无限的潜力后, Luciano (卢西亚诺)为他提供了指导与鼓励,帮助他发现并不断培养自己的才能。 为坚定对正义的信念,他选择宣扬塔法里教。用他自己的话说“Rastafari(塔法里教)就是生命, 我出生于Rasta(塔法里教)。” 在Naptali数百首歌曲中, 你可以听到很多治愈音乐。它会抚慰你的心、抚慰你的灵魂,为你提供丰富的精神及情感上的粮食。 In this modern era, we see the rebirth of this great son of Jacob in singer Naptali. The man hailing from Delacree Park, Kingston 13 was born and raised in Spaulding Clarendon in the month of January. From an early age he was destined to explore his musical talents. After beholding the young singer's gift and infinite potential Luciano provided the youngster with guidance and encouragement, which helped him nurture his talent. Armed with a firm belief in righteousness he chose to embrace the livity of Rastafari, in his own words "Rastafari is life, I a Rasta from birth." With hundreds of songs in his repertoire, you can expect to hear a lot more from Naptali in years to come.. Naptali delivering that healing music, sure to ease your mind and sooth your soul. Providing you with that mental and emotional food you deserve.

