Ruggiero Ricci

Ruggiero Ricci

外文名:Ruggiero Ricci 别名:鲁杰罗·里奇 国籍:美国 生日:1918-07-24 逝世日期:2012 年 8 月 5 日 职业:演奏家 简介:美国小提琴家。1918年7月24日出生于加利福尼亚的圣布鲁诺(San Bruno)。8岁从珀辛格学习小提琴,10岁即在旧金山公演。11岁在纽约卡内基音乐厅演奏门德尔松的小提琴协奏曲,由此被誉为神童、“20世纪的天才”。14岁开始至欧洲巡回演出,与不少世界一流乐团合作,从此跻身于世界知名小提琴家的行列。其间先后得到皮阿斯特罗和库伦坎普夫的指导。1933-1937年间再次从珀辛格学习。二战期间应征入伍。1970-1973年任教于印第安纳大学,1975年起任朱利亚德音乐学院教授。 里奇第一个录制了帕格尼尼的24首小提琴随想曲,其录音丝毫不经剪接,被称为是唱片史上的奇迹,唱片商因此打出“阿卡多的天敌”广告。他还第一个在美国首演了帕格尼尼的第四、第六小提琴协奏曲,初演了许多美国当代作曲家的作品,诸如贝克(David Baker)、艾内姆(Gottfied von Einem)、费尔霍夫(Carlos Veerhoff)等。70年的演奏生涯中,他在65个国家演出了 6000 多场音乐会,并录制了 500 多个录音。 里奇属于炫技型演奏家,爆发力强,有着惊人的速度和技巧,他演奏帕格尼尼、萨拉萨蒂等技巧性很强的作品,大都洒脱流畅、极为自如。 从艺历程:He was born in San Bruno, California, the son of Italian immigrants who first named him Woodrow Wilson Rich. His brother was cellist George Ricci,[1] originally named George Washington Rich (1923–2010). His sister Emma played violin with the New York Metropolitan Opera. His father first taught him to play the violin. At age seven, Ricci studied with Louis Persinger and Elizabeth Lackey. Persinger would become his piano accompanist for many recitals and recordings. Ricci gave his first public performance in 1928 at the age of 10 in San Francisco where he played works by Wieniawski and Vieuxtemps. He gained a reputation for being a child prodigy.[2] At the age of 11, he gave his first orchestral performance, playing the Mendelssohn concerto,[3] and soon after he had his highly successful debut at Carnegie Hall.[4] In the 1930s Ricci studied in Berlin with Georg Kulenkampff, where he learned a "German style" of playing in the tradition of Adolf Busch. He also studied with Michel Piastro and Paul Stassevich. He served in the US Army from 1942 until 1945, where he was an "Entertainment Specialist". In 1947, Ricci was the first violinist to record the complete 24 Caprices, Op. 1, by Paganini, in their original form.[N 1] Ricci's first recording was on the Shellac recording label (he later made three other recordings of the Caprices). After his time in the military, he uncovered many pieces by 19th-century composers that he would perform solo. He also performed the world premieres of pieces by many contemporary composers, including the violin concertos by Gottfried von Einem, Carlos Veerhoff and Alberto Ginastera. Ruggiero Ricci, 1961 Aside from performing over 6,000 concerts in 65 countries during his 70-year solo career, Ricci also made over 500 recordings, on every major label. He taught violin at Indiana University, the Juilliard School and the University of Michigan. He also taught at the University Mozarteum in Salzburg, Austria. Ricci held master classes in the United States and Europe. He wrote Left Hand Technique, a pedagogical volume for violin published by G. Schirmer. Ricci owned many precious instruments, including the Guarneri Del Gesù violin known as the ex-Bronisław Huberman of 1734, a Storioni, a Luiz Bellini, a Curtin & Alf, a David Bague and a couple of Regazzi. He played, on September 18, 1997, his fourth recording of the Paganini Caprices on Paganini's own Guarneri, Il Cannone, on loan to him by the City of Genoa, Italy. On Sunday 5 August 2012, Ruggiero Ricci died of heart failure at his home in Palm Springs, California, aged 94.


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