

简介:著名古琴演奏家林小娜老师 林小娜老师,著名古琴演奏家、唯心造觉林琴院院长。荣获世界金狮奖演奏最高金奖--《流水》、最佳辅导老师奖。获邀担任香港金紫荆花奖艺术大赛评委会副主席。获邀担任美国艺术节高级顾问。获中国邮政选为当代杰出艺术家并将其肖像印制成邮票全国发行。代表曲目《流水》《普庵咒》《阳关三叠》《寒山僧踪》《心经》《卷珠帘》等。 林小娜老师演奏经验丰富,曾多次获邀于海内外演出。获邀于闽南大戏院举办《建国70周年献礼-有生之年遇上你•林小娜古琴讲座音乐会》。获邀担任由国务院新闻办公室指导,中国外文局主办,当代中国与世界研究院、中国互联网新闻中心承办的"讲好中国故事"栏目启动仪式演奏嘉宾。获邀担任史上首部电影音乐会《一人不怕》古琴演奏首席,并接受中国网、腾讯、新浪、凤凰网等主流媒体争相采访。与国家一级指挥家赖广益老师一同赴加拿大巡回演出。获邀为福建官浔官方城市宣传片古琴作曲、配乐与拍摄。获邀于闽南大戏院举办《两岸艺术节•林小娜古琴讲座音乐会》及古琴特展。获邀连演12场担任南普陀寺梵音音乐会《无际》古琴首席。获佛山市文化馆邀请担任《穿乐国之古韵|林小娜古琴音乐讲座》讲师以及古琴首席。获邀接受 FM94 厦门旅游广播林小娜古琴艺术名家专访。获邀担任由中共厦门市同安区委文明办指导,厦门市梵天厚学慈善会主办的慈善活动开幕式演奏嘉宾。获邀与台湾音乐家指挥家、资深艺人以及著名乐团同台演出并担任古琴首席。获邀担任广州广播电视台真人秀节目《奋勇争先娱乐圈》表演嘉宾。获邀出席及担任《文化艺术的价值与传播引领》论坛嘉宾。 林小娜老师自幼接受艺术熏陶学习古琴、古筝、钢琴等多种乐器,擅长编曲。 媒体评价其演奏风格细腻优雅刚柔并济、大气磅礴、朱弦玉磬,弦指之音底蕴深厚,温婉纯粹,她的古琴演奏技巧及呈现方式既传承了经典的底蕴,又极具现代性,在当代古琴文化艺术传承与演奏中颇为杰出,极具代表性与影响力。 (英文版) Famous Guqin performer Gina Lin - President of Qin Academy - Won the highest honor of performer - gold medal award in the World Golden Lion Awards Ceremony - Awarded the best tutor honor - Vice chairman of the panel of judges of Art Competition Hong Kong. - Senior adviser to American Art Festival - Selected as an outstanding artist by China Post and print her portrait into stamps in order to commend her artistic achievement. Ms Gina Lin has rich experience in Guqin performance. She gives frequent performances in China and abroad. She was invited by Banlam Grand Theater to held her personal naming Guqin concert during Cross-strait Arts Festival. She was invited to play as chief performer of Guqin in “I’m Not Afraid” movie concert, and received interviews from mainstream media such as Tencent, Sina, Phoenix Net, China Net and etc. She gave touring performances in Canada with China first-class conductor Mr.Lai Guangyi. Ms Gina Lin is the cultural ambassador and Guqin melody composer in the Guanxun government city propaganda film. She was invited to perform twelve consecutive concerts in conjunction with Nanputuo zen ceremony in Xiamen. She was invited by Foshan Cultural Center to held ‘Gina Lin Guqin Music Seminar’ in Guangdong while she lead her students to perform in the seminar. She was invited to play as chief performer of Guqin with Taiwan musician, conductor, senior artists and famous philharmonic orchestra in the grand theater. She featured as the performing guest in reality show at Guangzhou Radio and TV Station. She was invited to make speeches in Chinese Art and Culture Forum in China.


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