The Beatles Reheated

The Beatles Reheated

  • 流派:Easy Listening 轻音乐
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2009-12-15
  • 类型:录音室专辑


My most popular CD yet, if the number that have gone out into the world is any indication. Also, oddly enough, the one that took the longest to record, in spite of trying to keep the arrangements simple and most of the material being very familiar to me. The first songbooks I had, when I started learning to strum the guitar and sing back in 1969, were The Beatles and Peter, Paul, and Mary. I became a serious Beatkle addict for many months through that period, like many other listeners of my generation, I suspect, and the influence The Beatles had on my music and my life could only be described as an addiction. It started with coming home from Jr. High and turning on the radio every afternoon to hear "Do You Want To Know A Secret?", "This Boy", "And I Love Her', and all the other early infectious pop ditties they cranked out. By the time I was graduating from High School, they were doing The White Album and getting involved in all sorts of controversy and the political craziness of the times. I knew all of the words to every single one of their songs, I believe. And I still catch myself singing "I Am The Walrus", "Strawberry Fields Forever", "Lucy In The Sky" and other hallucinogenic favorites with surprising frequency. "Reheated" is sort of a joke, just because it goes well with "Beatles". It's a tribute album to those four guys and what they accomplished.

