Collin Raye

Collin Raye

简介: 个人简介:拥有五张白金唱片及九首乡村冠军单曲傲人纪录的Collin Raye,在许多方面都展现出迥异于其它乡村歌手的特殊魅力。Collin Raye的创作融合了乡村、流行、民谣及抒情摇拥有五张白金唱片及九首乡村冠军单曲傲人纪录的Collin Raye,在许多方面都展现出迥异于其它乡村歌手的特殊魅力。Collin Raye的创作融合了乡村、流行、民谣及抒情摇滚等多样曲风,而他舒缓的歌声中夹带着沛盈的情感,甜而不腻,抒情而不滥情,带有些许丹佛格伯(Dan Fogelberg)况味的的诗意气质更是如影随形地随时从他的声音里透露出来。 <br/> 由于母亲也是着名的乡村歌手,耳濡目染的结果使得Collin Raye的进入音乐界亦显得理所当然。Collin Raye先是和弟弟Scott合组了一支二重唱Wray Brothers,两兄弟在八0年代缔造过不少排行佳绩,单飞后的Collin Raye仍然延续着这股气势,首张专辑&quot;All I Can Be&quot;的专辑同名单曲不但一举打进全美乡村Top 40,专辑里的另一首单曲&quot;Love, Me&quot;更是雄霸了三周全美乡村单曲榜冠军宝座。&quot;Love, Me&quot;这首歌曲描述的是即使天人永隔也无法阻断的爱情,是首听过必为之动容的感人抒情经典。<br/> 作品欣赏:英文歌词:<br/>I read a note my grandma wrote back in nineteen twenty-three.<br/>Grandpa kept it in his coat, and he showed it once to me. He said,<br/>&quot;Boy, you might not understand, but a long, long time ago,<br/>Grandma&amp;apos;s daddy didn&amp;apos;t like me none, but I loved your Grandma so.&quot;<br/>We had this crazy plan to meet and run away together.<br/>Get married in the first town we came to, and live forever.<br/>But nailed to the tree where we were supposed to meet, instead<br/>Of her, I found this letter, and this is what it said:<br/>If you get there before I do, don&amp;apos;t give up on me.<br/>I&amp;apos;ll meet you when my chores are through;<br/>I don&amp;apos;t know how long I&amp;apos;ll be.<br/>But I&amp;apos;m not gonna let you down, darling wait and see.<br/>And between now and then, till I see you again,<br/>I&amp;apos;ll be loving you. Love, me.<br/>I read those words just hours before my Grandma passed away,<br/>In the doorway of a church where me and Grandpa stopped to pray.<br/>I know I&amp;apos;d never seen him cry in all my fifteen years;<br/>But as he said these words to her, his eyes filled up with tears.<br/>If you get there before I do, don&amp;apos;t give up on me.<br/>I&amp;apos;ll meet you when my chores are through;<br/>I don&amp;apos;t know how long I&amp;apos;ll be.<br/>But I&amp;apos;m not gonna let you down, darling wait and see.<br/>And between now and then, till I see you again,<br/>I&amp;apos;ll be loving you. Love, me.<br/>Between now and then, till I see you again,<br/>I&amp;apos;ll be loving you. Love, me.<br/>中文歌词: <br/>我读到奶奶留下的一张字条<br/>写在遥远的一九二三年<br/>爷爷将它深藏衣间<br/>连我也只看过一遍<br/>他说:孩子,你也许不会理解<br/>但是在很久,很久以前<br/>尽管她父亲对我有意见<br/>我仍然深深将你奶奶爱恋<br/>我们疯狂计划一起离开<br/>并在最先到达的城镇永远相伴<br/>但是当我来到约定的树下<br/>我只看到这字条钉在上面<br/>如果你先于我到达那里<br/>请不要对我放弃<br/>我将把一切处理后到来<br/>尽管我还不知何时何刻<br/>但是亲爱的请你相信<br/>我不会让你失望<br/>我终将与你相见<br/>不论是何时何刻<br/>我将永远爱着你,爱你的,我<br/>在奶奶离去的几小时前<br/>我看到这张小小字条<br/>在教堂的门廊前,<br/>爷爷和我停下祷告<br/>十五年来我从没见过爷爷流泪<br/>当爷爷念出心中誓言<br/>他的眼中却溢满眼泪<br/>如果你先于我到达那里<br/>请不要对我放弃<br/>我将把一切处理后到来<br/>尽管我还不知何时何刻<br/>但是亲爱的请你相信<br/>我不会让你失望<br/>我终将与你相见<br/>不论是何时何刻<br/>我将永远爱着你,爱你的,我<br/>我中奖与你相见<br/>不论是何时何刻<br/>我将永远爱着你,爱你的,我

