

简介: 简介:<br/> ‍Indica是一支来自芬兰的女子流行摇滚乐团,由<br/>Jonsu,Heini,Sirkku,Jenny,Laura五位团员组成。建立于2001年,2003年加入芬兰Sony Music。首张专辑《Ikuinen virta》于2004年发行,即在芬兰创下了白金销量。2007年芬兰著名乐队Nightwish队长Tuomas Holopainen成为她们的制作人,监制了第四张专辑《Valoissa》和2010年发行的英文翻唱专辑《A Way Away》,并在其歌曲中添加了交响因素。 发展历史:Indica是一组由五位少女组成,由Jonsu担任主音(有时兼小提琴和吉他),Heini担任贝斯,Sirkku担任键盘,Jenny担任吉他,Laura担任鼓手,于2001年在芬兰赫尔辛基组队的女子流行摇滚乐队。早期几位团员童年期间已受到古典音乐熏陶,在此之间亦在不同的乐队中演出过。2002年的圣诞她们与索尼音乐签约并在2003年开始制作她们的第一张专辑。 <br/> Indica的音乐出自于迷人的红发主唱Jonsu之手,她甚至在入学之前就开始了自己的作曲之路。她的父亲是一个粒子物理学家,母亲是一名音乐教师。四岁时学习小提琴,后来开始学习其他乐器。她在音乐学校结识了Heini,两人14岁时成立了一支乐队。随后她们发现了志同道合的朋友Sirkku,Jenny和Laura,于2001年成立Indica。Jonsu这个艺名来自她小时候的昵称。她说自己最大的创作灵感来源是电影音乐,而歌词来自她的个人经历,朋友的故事以及自己的梦境。 <br/> 第一张专辑《Ikuinen Virta》(永恒的溪流)于2004年在芬兰发行,即创下白金销量。同时主打曲《Scarlett》也作为单曲发售。次年秋季她们发行了第二张专辑《Tuuliset tienoot》(风之彼岸),亦创下金唱片销量。第三张专辑《Kadonnut puutarha》(失落的花园)发行于07年春。 成就:<br/> Indica以她们戏剧性、富有生命力的舞台表现及独特的音乐形式闻名,<br/>在2007年底随Nightwish在北欧大陆做巡回演出。亦在此时与Nightwish队长Tuomas Holopainen开始了紧密的合作,旨在创作下一张专辑。Tuomas成为了她们与2008年秋发行的专辑《Valoissa》(光)的制作人。主唱Jonsu亦在07年底发行的Nightwish单曲《Eramaan Viimeinen》(荒野遗孤)中献声,此单曲仅在芬兰发售。 <br/> 第五张专辑《A Way Away》于2010年6月发行,这是一张用英语重新演绎她们经典芬兰语歌曲的专辑。2010年下半年的巡演“A Way Away Tour”包括德国、法国、荷兰等国,均取得了不俗的反响。 作品:<br/>Ikuinen virta<br/> 1. Saalistaja (Predator) <br/> 2. Scarlett <br/> 3. Ikuinen Virta (The Eternal Stream) <br/> 4. Valehtelen (I Lie) <br/> 5. Surusilma (One with Sad Eyes) <br/> 6. Lasienkeli (Glass Angel) <br/> 7. Onnen Kartano (Mansion of Joy) <br/> 8. Ihmisen Lento (The Flight of Man) <br/> 9. Lauluja Paratiisista (Songs From Paradise) <br/> 10. Aaltojen Takaa (From Behind the Waves) <br/> 11. Vetta Vasten (Against the Water)<br/>Tuuliset tienoot<br/> 1. Vuorien Taa <br/> 2. Pida Kadesta <br/> 3. Tuuliset Tienoot <br/> 4. Lapsuuden Metsa <br/> 5. Hakkilintu <br/> 6. Varo <br/> 7. Niin Tuleni Teen <br/> 8. Kummajaisten Joukko <br/> 9. Rannalla <br/> 10. Viimeinen Tanssi<br/>Kadonnut Puutarha<br/> Indica的这张专辑真的非常好听,音乐有质感、曲目一流,而且制作的也非常考究,专辑歌曲听起来十分的清爽,主唱的声音很有磁性,非常抓人,专辑的整体性比较高,看来是一张收藏之佳作。 <br/> 《Kadonnut Puutarha》这张唱片有点走流行的路线,但是音乐中又那么透出一点点的另类,音乐在他们的操控中驾驭的了如指掌,感觉Indica的音乐路线还是比较宽的,照这样的路线发展下去Indica还是会留得住喜欢他们的乐迷的.<br/> 语言:芬兰语 <br/> 类型:专集出品公司:Sony BMG <br/> 出版日期:2007年 <br/> 1. Viimeinen Jyva<br/> 2. Linnansa Vanki <br/> 3. Ikavankantaja <br/> 4. Ulkona <br/> 5. Nukkuu Kedolla <br/> 6. Noita <br/> 7. Pahan Tarha <br/> 8. Aanet <br/> 9. Mykka <br/> 10. Unten Laiva <br/> 11. Helmet<br/>Valoissa<br/> 芬兰女子乐队Indica的第四张专辑。由Nightwish核心Tuomas Holopainen监制,充斥着明显的交响气息,让人耳目一新。<br/> 语言:芬兰语 <br/> 类型:专集 <br/> 出品公司:Sony BMG <br/> 出版日期:2008年9月 <br/> 1. Ela<br/> 2. Pahinta Tanaan <br/> 3. 10 H Myohassa <br/> 4. Hiljainen Maa <br/> 5. Askeleet <br/> 6. Sanoja <br/> 7. Valoissa <br/> 8. Taalta Pois <br/> 9. Pyromaani <br/> 10. Hamaraa <br/> 11. Ei Enaa<br/>Pahinta Tanaan -Kokoelma<br/> 这是一张精选专辑,包括四张芬兰语专辑的热门单曲和四首未发行的曲目。其中《Valokeilojen vampyyri》是Indica早期写成的一首歌曲,仅在2004年表演过几次现场。这首歌曲被拍成了一支有趣的音乐录影带,并作为单曲发售。《Kersantti Karoliina》则是一首翻唱歌曲。<br/> 1 Valokeilojen vampyyri<br/> 2 Ikuinen virta <br/> 3 Scarlett <br/> 4 Pida kadesta <br/> 5 Vuorien taa <br/> 6 Valoissa <br/> 7 Ruusupensaat <br/> 8 Murheiden maa <br/> 9 Linnansa vanki <br/> 10 10 h myohassa <br/> 11 Kersantti Karoliina (live) <br/> 12 Pahinta tanaan<br/>A Way Away<br/> ◎具备绝对的亮眼外型,和精湛的乐器演奏、坚强的古典根基、足以和摇滚汉子们一较高下的创作实力 <br/> ◎芬兰交响金属代表Nightwish赏识力荐的正妹纯女子摇滚团队,进军国际首张英文大碟 <br/> ◎Nightwish灵魂主脑Tuomas Holopainen制作;诗人/编剧大师Rory Winston英文填词;Uriah Heep、U2等大团幕後金手Pip Williams担纲管旋乐编曲之梦幻黄金阵容齐力拱盘 <br/> ◎特别追加一曲&quot;Outside In&quot;<br/> *6/18正式发行<br/> 谁说女生就不能组织杰出的摇滚团队,谁说女孩就只能沦落搔首弄姿的学猫叫,谁说女人就摆脱不了花瓶的命运!?来自芬兰的正妹团队Indica,具备绝对的亮眼外型,更备妥精湛的乐器演奏、坚强的古典根基、敏锐的流行嗅觉、不吹嘘的创作实力、感染力浓厚的嗓音辅佐,巾帼不让须眉足以和阳刚血性摇滚汉子们一较高下。已做足万全准备的Indica,即将远从北欧地域载入高压能量,散布至国际区块,好迎接这股Girl Power的绝酷新势力!由身兼主唱+小提琴+吉他+键盘+独特的Theremin电子乐器的Jonsu、贝斯手Heini、键盘+钢琴+单簧管Sirkku、吉他手Jenny、鼓手+打击乐器Laura等五位儿时玩伴於2001年组成美丽队伍Indica。快速累积庞大支持粉丝群,也挣得一纸SonyMusic名牌唱片合约,2003年顺利推出首张处女秀「Ikuinen Virta」,徘徊芬兰榜长达30周时间,拿下白金唱片认证,趁胜追击的「Tuuliset Tienoot」作品开出金唱片销量。赢得集古典美学与金属力道於一身的芬兰国宝级天团Nightwish赏识,邀约成为巡演暖场嘉宾,获取满堂喝采,同时野心勃勃企图逐步征服最大宗的英语市场!<br/> 将Indica历届代表单曲填上英文歌词重新演绎发行的「A Way Away」,交付Nightwish灵魂主脑、年轻的跨界鬼才Tuomas Holopainen操刀,以及诗人、编剧大师Rory Winston主镇词藻内文,还有曾任The Moody Blues、Uriah Heep、U2等大团幕後金手Pip Williams担纲管旋乐编曲,有著梦幻黄金阵容齐力拱盘!开场冲出气势磅礴的&quot;Islands Of light&quot;,交响乐章的柔美现形,令人爱不释手;琅琅上口的&quot;Precious Dark&quot;,灌满Pop气流,同时带著欧式摇滚的迷人情节;如同化身淘气红发精灵的Jonsu穿梭人间嬉戏游乐,轻巧编织&quot;In Passing&quot;顺畅旋律,舒缓勾引最讨喜的节拍;扎实的吉他狠狠作响,将&quot;Scissor, Paper, Rock&quot;一路畅快到底的宣洩过瘾律动;毫不留情的暴冲火烫频率,戏剧性十足的拉宽&quot;As If&quot;聆听耳界;曲末的&quot;Eerie Eden&quot;,利用美声细腻雕琢最惊艳的梦幻波纹。Indica要你好听又好看之馀,能够给予这群远渡重洋的翘家女声,最热情的掌声和肯定!<br/> 【Track List】*为推荐<br/> 1. Islands Of light <br/> 2. Precious Dark <br/> 3. Children Of Frost <br/> 4. Lilja&apos;s Lament <br/> 5. In Passing * <br/> 6. Scissor, Paper, Rock <br/> 7. A Way Away * <br/> 8. As If <br/> 9. Straight &amp; Arrow * <br/> 10. Eerie Eden <br/> 11. Outside In (Bonus Track)<br/> 成员介绍:<br/>Jonsu<br/> 原名:Johanna Salomaa <br/> 生日:1984年1月18日 <br/> 出生地:芬兰Espoo <br/> 队中职务:主唱、小提琴、钢琴、吉他、手鼓<br/> 喜欢的食物:印度菜、Palak paneer <br/> 喜欢的动物:马、鸟类 <br/> 喜欢的颜色:大海的颜色 <br/> 喜欢的电影:《绿野仙踪》、大卫·林奇的电影、金基德的电影 <br/> 喜欢的书:《小王子》、《道林·格雷的画像》、《呼啸山庄》 <br/> 喜欢的饮料:水 <br/> 喜欢的地方:大海,天空,森林 <br/> 喜欢的艺人:Cranberries, Pink Floyd, The Arcade Fire, Beach House, Queen等 <br/> 爱好:音乐、人、自然、阅读、派对、旅行等 <br/> 最喜欢的是:和平、爱与生活<br/>Heini<br/> 原名:Heini Saisa <br/> 生日:1984年12月28日 <br/> 身高:165cm <br/> 出生地:芬兰Lappeenranta <br/> 队中职务:贝斯、合音 <br/> 喜欢的食物:泰国菜、新鲜的菠萝<br/> 喜欢的动物:K&amp;ouml;pi <br/> 喜欢的颜色:所有喜欢的电影:蒂姆·波顿的电影和Spinal Tap <br/> 喜欢的书:《呼啸山庄》和其他勃朗特姐妹的著作 <br/> 喜欢的饮料:水 <br/> 喜欢的地方:巡演巴士 <br/> 喜欢的艺人:Tehasekoitin, Amy McDonald, Muse, Badding, Leevi and the Leevings, The Ark, Placebo, Mando Diao, Depeche Mode等 <br/> 买的第一张专辑:Joku Kirka <br/> 去的第一场演唱会:很小的时候就参加音乐节了(大约12岁),第一场可能是Michael Jackson在赫尔辛基的演唱会 <br/> 最喜欢Indica的歌:In Passing <br/> 最喜欢的是:阳光(夏日)<br/>Sirkku<br/> 原名:Sirkku Karvonen <br/> 生日:1984年7月11日 <br/> 身高:175cm <br/> 出生地:芬兰Espoo <br/> 队中职务:键盘、单簧管、合音 <br/> 喜欢的食物:寿司、塞瑟沙拉 <br/> 喜欢的动物:我的狗Günther、我的宠物<br/>蜗牛以及猴子 <br/> 喜欢的颜色:粉色喜欢的电影:指环王 <br/> 喜欢的书:KAMASUTRA <br/> 喜欢的饮料:啤酒、牛奶、Jalokakvi <br/> 喜欢的地方:Espoo <br/> 喜欢的艺人:INDICA, Amy McDonald, Nightwish, Kaija Koo等 <br/> 爱好:与自己的狗慢跑、红酒、滑雪 <br/> 买的第一张专辑:Nesez <br/> 最喜欢的演唱会:Kosovo和所有Kaija Koo的演出 <br/> 最喜欢Indica的歌:Odoten <br/> 最喜欢的是:Barbapapa <br/> 不喜欢的:虫子<br/>Jenny<br/> 原名:Jenny Julia <br/> 生日:1985年3月14日 <br/> 出生地:芬兰赫尔辛基 <br/> 队中职务:吉他、合音 <br/> 喜欢的食物:草莓、巧克力、寿司 <br/> 喜欢的食物:狗 <br/> 喜欢的颜色:红<br/> 喜欢的电影:迪斯尼早期动画 <br/> 喜欢的书:《银河系漫游指南》 <br/> 喜欢的饮料:红酒 <br/> 喜欢的地方:伦敦 <br/> 喜欢的艺人:Amy McDonald, Mando Diao, The Ark <br/> 爱好:慢跑、看电影 <br/> 买的第一张专辑:Michael Jackson的某张专辑 <br/> 最喜欢的演唱会:Muse在赫尔辛基的演唱会 <br/> 最喜欢Indica的歌:Lilja&apos;s Lament <br/> 最喜欢的是:唐老鸭、阳光、《六人行》、《30 Rocks》<br/>Laura<br/> 原名:Laura Hakkanen <br/> 生日:1986年4月29日 <br/> 出生地:芬兰赫尔辛基 <br/> 队中职务:鼓手、合音 <br/> 喜欢的食物:羊乳酪沙拉、尼泊尔菜 <br/> 喜欢的动物:Hiltunen<br/> 喜欢的颜色:黑、灰 <br/> 喜欢的电影:《闪灵》、《剪刀手爱德华》 <br/> 喜欢的书:ABC-book <br/> 喜欢的饮料:M&amp;ouml;l&amp;ouml;、咖啡、夏季的白葡萄酒 <br/> 喜欢的地方:巴塞罗那 <br/> 喜欢的艺人:Muse, CMX, Apocalyptica, Suburban Tribe, Pink Floyd, Amy McDonald, Metallica等等 <br/> 爱好:睡觉、和朋友聚会、偶尔做运动 <br/> 最喜欢的演唱会:我去过很多Indica的演出(嘿嘿),但我认为几乎每一场我去过的大型演唱会都很棒 <br/> 最喜欢Indica的歌:有很多,不过来自《A Way Away》这张专辑最喜欢的是Straight and Arrow <br/> 最喜欢的是:可爱又疯狂的团员姑娘们 <br/> 不喜欢的:生气的人、很早的清晨<br/> 歌词:<br/>ISLANDS OF LIGHT<br/> Running in the darkness, rolling back in time <br/> Following the voices howling in your mind <br/> Under you the frozen lake crackles till you halt <br/> When the frosty mirror breaks, will you hear the call <br/> Come admit your secret plan to make it to the top <br/> Hear the sirens as they sing till the day you drop <br/>Fall through the ice, into my eyes <br/> Islands of light guide you tonight <br/> Drowning in your daydreams, hiding in your bed <br/> They keep on complaining, it?s all in your head <br/> Come admit your secret plan to make it to the top <br/> Hear the sirens as they sing till the day you drop <br/>Fall through the ice, into my eyes <br/> Islands of light guide you tonight <br/> Don’t you recognize your voice in our coven’s song? <br/> Don?t you know it?s not the music? - it&apos;s you that danced along <br/> See the moon riding the tide, the reflection swims <br/> As the ice begins to melt, we see a form within <br/>Fall through the ice, into my eyes <br/> Islands of light guide you tonight<br/>PRECIOUS DARK<br/> There’s a place I don’t want you to know of <br/> Hidden deep in a blindfolded heart - <br/> Where the desperate walk in silence, <br/> Waiting for the ghosts to depart <br/> There’s a game I don’t want you to know of <br/> Masquerade, Cirque du Dècadence <br/> A pawn in an empty chessboard <br/> Moved around by a hand of a fool <br/> Never played it safe <br/> It’s a wicked game <br/> Any hand, any call, I’m in <br/>It said: &quot;Love like you’ve never been hurt <br/> And dance till dawn like you’ve just been born <br/> A perfect toy made by perfect tools <br/> Playing Ring Around the Rosie with a crowd of fools <br/> Take a hold of my hand, I have sights to show you <br/> Gingerbread house, Pleasure Island, Big Blue <br/> Turn off the light, close your eyes wide shut <br/> And welcome the precious dark&quot;<br/> I have seen far, I’ve never seen close <br/> There are no mirrors on my wall <br/> Silent is the call of my ocean <br/> And the sirens washed ashore <br/> All the sins they have long shadows <br/> Turn the switch and the past comes alive <br/> Live and learn, 1,2,3, know your ABC <br/> It’s their answer to every &quot;why&quot;<br/> Never played it safe <br/> It’s a wicked game <br/> Any hand, any call, I’m in <br/>It said:&quot; Love like you’ve never been hurt <br/> And dance till dawn like you’ve just been born <br/> A perfect toy made by perfect tools <br/> Playing Ring Around the Rosie with a crowd of fools <br/> Take a hold of my hand, I have sights to show you <br/> Gingerbread house, Pleasure Island, Big Blue <br/> Turn off the light, close your eyes wide shut <br/> And welcome the precious dark&quot;<br/> There was always a place that you knew of <br/> You were holding the keys all along <br/> There was always a game that you knew of <br/> Now you’re one of them washed ashore<br/>CHILDREN OF FROST<br/>Hear the night toll in my breath <br/> The cold lights dance overhead <br/> Here the lake stares with dark eyes <br/> Trees are their lashes of ice <br/> See the star’s glare float upstream <br/> Shedding its skin with dead leaves <br/> Seems like the sky’s falling up <br/> The wind wraps itself with my lungs <br/> The sea that we saw was a desert of snowfall <br/> The children of frost marched into the deadly dawn <br/> In their great awe they found an old seesaw <br/> And as they got on, the season of dark had gone <br/> Dream with the nomads of light <br/> Their dogs and their gods are all blind <br/> Sing as white pours from dark veins <br/> Bless all the earth that it paints <br/> The sea that we saw was a desert of snowfall <br/> The children of frost marched into the deadly dawn <br/> In their great awe they found an old seesaw <br/> And as they sat down, the season of dark had come <br/> In our great awe we found an old seesaw <br/> And as we sat down, our season had come <br/> The sea that we saw was a desert of snowfall <br/> The children of frost are wrapped in the dawn <br/> At a great cost we found an old seesaw <br/> And as we sat down, a new season had come <br/> The sea that we saw was a desert of snowfall <br/> My children of frost march on and greet the dawn <br/>LILJA&apos;S LAMENT<br/> Strolling under harbor lights, Lilja reads a line <br/> ‘Poor Tatiana’ <br/> In another library, Rochester arrives <br/> Oh lord, he’s half-blind <br/> Lancelot and Guinevere came nowhere near the pier <br/> No love this year <br/> Marian called Robin Hood to save her from the sea <br/> But words are cheap <br/> Stories had been spun, a sea of metaphors were done <br/> And Lilja heard but wonder’s thunder <br/> All the books she read kept her in bed and hurt her head <br/> Her tragic flaw was not a blunder <br/> Percival got drunk and tossed his cup into the snow <br/> Where’d the grail go? <br/> Catherine found her Heathcliff but the Brontes died alone <br/> Air gets so cold <br/> Wind revives the balladeers sentenced to their words <br/> Fog means return <br/> For the bards and troubadours, sentences are worlds <br/> We long but don’t learn <br/> Stories had been spun, a sea of metaphors were done <br/> And Lilja heard but wonder’s thunder <br/> All the books she read kept her in bed and hurt her head <br/> Her tragic flaw was not a blunder <br/> Teeter totter by the harbor, Lilja looked up saw a starfish <br/> Holding her hand was Ophelia, <br/> Smith, Elliot; Plath, Sylvia <br/> Stories had been spun, a sea of metaphors were done <br/> But Lilja lived her blunder thunder <br/> All the books she read put her to rest on a seabed <br/> Her tragic flaw still makes me wonder<br/>IN PASSING<br/> Little sister, <br/> Playing hide and seek <br/> Even though mama told you I’m really gone <br/> If you miss me <br/> Sneak a peek at my diary <br/> Or read the peek-a-boo sky that lights the night <br/> I’ll say this once: <br/> Light up the night, <br/> stardust! <br/> When it hurts inside <br/> read all the signs <br/> Follow <br/> It?s okay to feel down <br/> and just remember <br/> that nothing?s made to last <br/> I know you?re sad <br/> That too will pass, that too will pass <br/> In passing, <br/> Little sister <br/> Ignore local news <br/> Papers come from trees we’ll never climb <br/> What a joke! <br/> They made me look so sad <br/> That bad bad lake’s okay; it washed my hair <br/> And the waves said: <br/> Light up the night, <br/> stardust! <br/> When it hurts inside <br/> read all the signs <br/> Follow <br/> It?s okay to feel down <br/> and just remember <br/> that nothing?s made to last <br/> I know you?re sad <br/> That too will pass, that too will pass <br/> That too will pass <br/> That too will pass <br/> You’ll recall all that <br/> Till one day <br/> You too will pass.<br/>SCISSOR, PAPER, ROCK<br/> I’m river and I’m stone <br/> I shiver but I know <br/> I’m young but oh so old <br/> Played scissor paper rock <br/> I’d run till I was caught <br/> Games end but nothing stops <br/> The rocks will turn to dust <br/> The scissor starts to rust <br/> The ink will fade with us. <br/> A lily builds a home <br/> It grows inside my bones <br/> Been there since I was born <br/> You can brood by a brook <br/> And whisper to water <br/> Don’t worry, the dawn will dry your tears <br/> See the daylight as it flows <br/> It fills the holes… and souls grow whole <br/> You can moan to the moon <br/> You can swoon in the sunset <br/> Don’t hurry, your world won’t disappear <br/> See the waves that drape the shore <br/> They fill the holes …and souls grow whole and old <br/> I’m drifting towards the end <br/> The sand keeps closing in <br/> But water turns the bend <br/> The trees reach for the sky <br/> The roots begin to dry <br/> A nest becomes a shrine<br/>A WAY AWAY<br/> I found a way away … and sailed beyond the waves of pain <br/> No Jonah in my sea, no whale to hide inside these days <br/> I’ve lost my sky <br/> Feels I was born just to die here <br/> Born in a dry well <br/> Lie here till one day I’m swallowed by time. <br/> Stars no longer shine, faith has left us far behind <br/> We have no more signs, and all our seers are blind <br/> Lost in the night, <br/> Once love was with me but I left <br/> The sea turned violent <br/> We crucify all the lights we can find. <br/> Born to be silent <br/> Bored and misguided <br/> We simplify all the mystery of life <br/> But sometimes hearts begin to stir <br/> And in my head a notion whirls <br/> As all I know becomes a blur <br/> My words fill my world<br/>AS IF<br/> As if, as if <br/> As if it matters <br/> Innit, innit ‘what happens, happens’? <br/> As if as if’s were enough <br/> Is it, is it a fit of angst we see <br/> Is it a bit the fear of failure <br/> It is as if we gave up <br/> It’s like we lack nothing <br/> Kind of kind and so mind numbing <br/> It’s kind of like losing touch <br/> And I can’t find me inside <br/> I hide in an empty smile <br/> And I have left me behind <br/> In words that aren’t mine <br/> The scene, the scene - the screen’s endless <br/> In style in style... check out my new stress <br/> I’ve seen this stream – did I ditto that? <br/> Like I really care! <br/> Pretend pretend life’s a bluescreen <br/> upload dreams in your B-movie <br/> its kinda like life - but not <br/> And I can’t find me inside <br/> I hide in an empty smile <br/> And I have left me behind <br/> In words that aren’t mine<br/>STRAIGHT AND ARROW<br/> Road’s getting narrow, with snakes in the shadow <br/> And the shade where you sleep is formed by the gallows <br/> Where a man with an arrow was hung by the shallow <br/> little boys little boys little boys who became what they feared <br/> Who would have thought that the ones who spoke of trust would come to betray us? <br/> Who would have sought love from those who prayed for peace while sewing hatred’s seed? <br/> Who would have fought for a land where blood flows till it clots each river? <br/> Who would have sons knowing all the orphans they would soon deliver? <br/> Kneel beside me, in this field of memory <br/> Don’t become those you fear; don’t kill what you’ve been <br/> Cause the straight and narrow has snakes in the shadow <br/> And the shade where you sleep is formed by the gallows <br/> Where a man with an arrow was hung by the shallow <br/> little boys little boys little boys who became what they feared <br/> You should have known: the snakes were figments of imagination <br/> You should have shown: the roads and gallows were your own creation <br/> Sleep beside me, there’s no time to worry <br/> The sound that you hear - it comes from your ear <br/> Cause the road gets narrow, with snakes in the shadow <br/> And the shade where you sleep is formed by the gallows <br/> Where a man with an arrow was hung by the shallow <br/> little boys little boys little boys - there’s a choice! <br/> The straight and narrow has snakes in the shadow <br/> And the shade where you sleep is formed by the gallows <br/> Where a man with an arrow was hung by the shallow <br/> little boys and their toys; little boys who became what they feared <br/> Weep beside me in this sea of memory <br/> Don’t you see what I see… you’re the men that you fear <br/> When the road gets narrow, with snakes in the shadow <br/> And the shade where you sleep is formed by the gallows <br/> Where a man with an arrow was hung by the shallow <br/> ...What’s the point! <br/> When the road gets narrow, with snakes in the shadow <br/> And the shade where you sleep is formed by the gallows <br/> Where a man with an arrow was hung by the shallow <br/> little boys little boys there’s a choice there’s a choice <br/> When the road gets narrow, with snakes in the shadow <br/> And the shade where you sleep is formed by the gallows <br/> Where a man with an arrow was hung by the shallow <br/> little boys little boys little boys don’t become what you fear<br/>EERIE EDEN<br/> Sorrow?s sound, it swirls all about you <br/> Dry fallen leaves that rise like a cloud <br/> Time is a torch in a field of lost faces <br/> Kissed by the mist, you kneel on the ground <br/> Shadowed by years, smiles you remember <br/> Half-recalled movements float in the fog <br/> There’s no dread you’ll forget in the dead of December <br/> Hear the dawn’s breeze echo night’s song <br/> Remain on, build your eerie Eden <br/> Swim in your enchanted land <br/> Seek your heaven, build your eerie Eden <br/> Memory is a sea of sand <br/>&quot;Eternally yours&quot;, you read from a letter <br/> Torn as the earth where the sender lies <br/> Worn out by dreams, sinking in sunlight <br/> You see no lips but still hear the cry <br/> Remain on, build your eerie Eden <br/> Swim in your enchanted land <br/> Seek your heaven, build your eerie Eden <br/> Memory is a sea of sand<br/> 其他:<br/>Music Video<br/>&quot;Scarlett&quot; (2004), directed by Kusti Manninen <br/>&quot;Ikuinen virta&quot; (2005), directed by Kusti Manninen <br/>&quot;Vuorien taa&quot; (2006), directed by Marko M&amp;auml;kilaakso <br/>&quot;Pida kadesta&quot; (2006), directed by Marko M&amp;auml;kilaakso <br/>&quot;Linnansa vanki&quot; (2007), directed by Jesse Hietanen <br/>&quot;Pahinta tanaan&quot; (Spring 2008), directed by Jesse Hietanen <br/>&quot;Valoissa&quot; (Autumn 2008) <br/>&quot;10 h myohassa&quot; (Christmas 2008) <br/>&quot;Valokeilojen vampyyri&quot; (Autumn 2009) <br/>&quot;Straight and Arrow&quot; (Winter 2009) <br/>&quot;In Passing&quot; (March 2010) <br/>&quot;Islands of Light&quot; (June 2010) <br/>&quot;Precious Dark&quot; (August 2010)<br/>单曲<br/>&quot;Scarlett&quot; (26 March 2004) <br/>&quot;Ikuinen virta&quot; (5 August 2004) <br/>&quot;Vetta vasten&quot; (23 March 2005) <br/>&quot;Ihmisen lento&quot; – Promo (2005) <br/>&quot;Vuorien taa&quot; + &quot;Nuorallatanssija&quot; (19 October 2005) <br/>&quot;Pida kadesta&quot; – Promo (2005) <br/>&quot;Niin tuleni teen&quot; – Promo (2005) <br/>&quot;Linnansa vanki&quot; – Promo (2007) <br/>&quot;Noita&quot; – Promo (2007) <br/>&quot;Ulkona&quot; – Promo (2007) <br/>&quot;Pahinta tanaan&quot; – Promo (8 May 2008), Internet single (12 May 2008) <br/>&quot;Valoissa&quot; (August 2008) <br/>&quot;10 h myohassa&quot; (14 November 2008) <br/>&quot;Valokeilojen vampyyri&quot; (Autumn 2009) <br/>&quot;In Passing&quot; (4 June 2010) <br/>&quot;Precious Dark&quot; (10 September 2010)<br/>合作曲目<br/>&quot;Eramaan Viimeinen&quot; (Last of the Wilds) - Nightwish feat. Jonsu<br/>

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