위댄스 (Wedance)

위댄스 (Wedance)

简介:‘We(우리는) Dance(춤을 춘다)’. Wedance 可能是韩国音乐史上拥有最直观的名字的艺术家们。在21世纪,‘We’ Dance 弹“Gui”tar 的“WeGui”和在‘We’ Dance 负责‘Vo’cal的“WeVO”,这独特的二人组,用无人能及的方式打造了自己的音乐事业。由于对大众和简单轻松的处事方式没有兴趣的 We Dance,拒绝了音乐Streaming和一般专辑制作流程,用自己方式制作了大约80多首具有自己的色彩与创意并且具有实验性的音乐。于此同时,通过受邀参加的韩国和 ‘Fuji Rock Festival’, ‘Primavera Sound’, ‘Big Sounds Festival’等大型海外音乐节,结识了西班牙,法国,日本,澳大利亚,香港和新加坡等世界各地的粉丝。 Wedance音乐用不可或缺的不和谐音的歌唱和吉他音。对于那些习惯听井井有条的音乐的人来说,可能会感到不舒服。但是,Wedance展现的音符在某个瞬间会演变成一种迷人的pop。这种独特而怪异的创作会立刻动摇听众的心灵,并不知不觉的让我们跳起舞来。Wedance的独特之处绝不仅来自音乐。那些看似是从跳蚤市场来的复古风服装和‘WeVo’独有的象是从深处迸发能量式的舞姿,会完全激发了我们的感官。 “我们跳着舞越过边界。” 这是Wedance的座右铭。我们想要告诉太在意他人的是眼光和习惯于打扮自己的现代人。 Wedance的音乐就象是对整个人生或特定的情况或部分的钦佩一样。在这个陌生和另类的事物无法堂堂正正的世界中,“Wedance”会启发我们跨越内在的边界的冲动。这就象是一个不想拒绝的邀请帖。 ‘我们跳舞,你呢? 过来和我们一起跳舞吧。而且你那样做喔’ Wedance. It’s a statement and a warning. The duo spend a great majority of their time on stage living up to the name. Often wearing outfits that might be described, with the greatest amount of love possible, as retirement-community-inspired, Wedance, is a singularly difficult band to describe. The duo met during a chance encounter on the street with Webo noticing Wegi’s unique fashion sense, recognising a kindred spirit and demanding he start a band with her. With songs about everyday life, a penchant for banging on a single cymbal in between dance breaks, dissonant vocals, dissonant guitars, and an accompanying drum/electronic track played (at least up until a few years ago) from an old portable CD player, it’s hard to talk about this band without any musically-seasoned listener narrowing their eyes skeptically and possibly thinking they didn’t know you as well as they thought they did. But against all odds, these features come together to form a glorious confluence of a-tonal, spasmodic pop bliss that can feel at once anthemic and, of course, make you move in whatever weirdo way these unique compositions compel you. Their music plays like a pied piper anthem of indie strangeness, beckoning all to join in on the alt-bacchanal. Which is the point. The band’s stated mission is to “help people dance through their boundaries (whatever they maybe) and to experience life fully on the other side”. They hope to give courage to real outsiders to show their true selves. Trying to collect all the Wedance recordings is a feat in itself as the duo usually only carry a few copies of their plethora of their self recorded and self burned EPs around to their performances. This idea of a musical scavenger hunt, trying to piece together the entirety of an artist’s body of work in the age of digital and easily transmittable everything, greatly appeals to their fans. Some greater value is placed on the struggle and search as opposed to the ease and convenience of a simple download. Halfway into any Wedance set their name finally presents itself with its correct intonation. There’s not enough proudly odd stuff in this world, and so a Wedance set seems to speak to that feeling and acts then as a challenge and invitation; Wedance, do you? Certainly many of their avid fans, many of whom are rabid devotees to the weirdness Wedance conjures, have answered their call. With performances at Fuji Rock, Primavera Sound, Nuits Sonores, Bug Sounds, Baybeats and more under their belts already the invitation is open to all; come along and dance with us and find out a little bit more about yourself as you do...

