Those Dancing Days

Those Dancing Days

简介: 收录专辑:Daydreams...<br/>语言:英语<br/>时间:2011-03-07<br/> 专辑介绍:<br/>能想象得到么?看着封面,能想到是一个女子乐队么?而且……为啥又是瑞典的呀!而且的而且,为啥都嫩有才呢!!!成立于2005年的乐队,在斯德哥尔摩的一个郊区——那真是一个风景如画四季如春的国度啊!和Li一样,他们也是通过网络的传播力量红火起来的,MYSPACE啊!还能再伟大点儿么?只是MYSPACE对中国的音乐市场完全无能为力,不过网络是个好东西,千里之外也是近在咫尺了。这支全女子的曲风在早期是那种甜蜜风格的LO-FI,然而这张最近发行的专辑,反而是更加的纯粹了,除了LO-FI就是LO-FI,可能现在装可爱也不再是大家推崇了吧。这个社会啊,谁都要求个性,个性这玩意儿真的很难琢磨,不过好在,他们玩儿对了!结合了早期的dance-rock和post-punk,听听吧,这是一张充满了激情了专辑。<br/> 人物简介 Thanks in part to getting some enthusiastic coverage on Scandinavian-centric music blogs like It&apos;s a Trap! and Swedespease, the all-girl Swedish twee pop group Those Dancing Days found themselves with a major record deal soon after their formation. Formed in a suburb of Stockholm in 2005 and comprised of Rebecka Rolfart, Cissi Efraimsson, Lisa Pyk Wirstrom, Mimmi Evrell, and Linea Jonsson, the group made waves among Swedish indie pop connoisseurs thanks to a handful of synthy, handclappy demos posted on its MySpace site. Armed with a sweet-as-pie indie pop sound that nodded to the Acid House Kings, the Concretes, and the Besties, Those Dancing Days found success abroad and at home in 2007; they were featured as a Artist of the Day, and they even won a spot to compete on the Swedish song contest TV show Grand Prix. V2 Music signed them that year, and the band&apos;s self-titled debut EP hit stores in late August. Their debut full-length studio album, In Our Space Hero Suits, appeared in 2009. In 2011 Those Dancing Days returned with the more polished &apos;80s dance-rock and post-punk-influenced Daydreams &amp; Nightmares. ~ Margaret Reges, Rovi

