The Rest

The Rest

简介:The Rest 这个名字起的真轻松,很休闲。The Rest 是一支7个人的乐队,来自加拿大。庞大的乐队,自然有着庞大的乐器系统,自然也少不了古典与现代流行的出色碰撞和结合。 During the spring of 2007 we decided to write and arrange the songs for our second record Everyone All At Once in isolation. We drove away from our select cities, A.D.D. distractions, relationships, and most importantly any escape from making music. We brought food, clothes, alcohol, and a van full of instruments. We woke to a lake, a forest, two cozy buildings, and a room full of instruments. We wrote and made noise until the sunset, beat on drums while howling at the moon (alcohol), and fell asleep aware and anxious to repeat the day before. After multiple trips we said goodbye to scenic isolation and embraced urban isolation, knowing that we were working on the music that would capture the sound we had been chasing for five years. We spurned the comfort and relaxation of the night to crawl into basements, and fill forgotten living rooms. After close to a year of this consuming rehearsal regime we returned to Catherine North Studios with Dan Achen to record our planned madness, attempting to corral the songs and each individual’s energy into a preserved piece of electronic data. Everyone All At Once accomplishes these goals, and expands on what we had originally intended to achieve. Encapsulating the album title in sound, ideology, and ambition. Ready to escape isolation once and for all.



