

简介: 基本内容:<br/>歌曲:《应许之地》<br/>歌手:F.I.R.飞儿乐团 专辑:F.I.R.飞儿乐团<br/>歌词:<br/>高跟鞋<br/>太过脆弱 <br/>承受不了 <br/>垂死的梦 <br/>他眼神 <br/>冰冷折磨 <br/>对于爱 <br/>算计太多 <br/>I can’t breath (Baby tell me what u want&apos; maybe <br/>cuz I’m head over heels in this catchin’ and find situation) <br/>I can’t breath (Baby tell me what u want&apos; maybe <br/>cuz I’m head over heels in this catchin’ and find situation) <br/>会是谁 <br/>又犯了错 <br/>无力抗拒 <br/>致命诱惑 <br/>下一秒 <br/>混乱坠落 <br/>加速逃离 <br/>devil’s control <br/>Baby tell me what u want&apos; maybe <br/>I can’t breath (Baby tell me what u want&apos; maybe <br/>cuz I’m head over heels in this catchin’ and find situation) <br/>别回头 <br/>cuz I’m head over heels in this catchin’ and find situation) <br/>Baby tell me what u want&apos; maybe <br/>I can’t breath (Baby tell me what u want&apos; maybe <br/>要召唤最骄傲的自由 <br/>甩开一切 <br/>revolution <br/>幸福之后让人窒息 <br/>不安全感瀰漫空气 <br/>无法呼吸 <br/>甩开一切 <br/>revolution <br/>别再叫我冷静的听 <br/>毁灭之前要看透你 <br/>someone let me free <br/>会是谁 <br/>又犯了错 <br/>无力抗拒 <br/>致命诱惑 <br/>下一秒 <br/>混乱坠落 <br/>加速逃离 <br/>devil’s control <br/>Baby tell me what u want&apos; maybe <br/>cuz I’m head over heels in this catchin’ and find situation) <br/>别回头 <br/>要召唤最骄傲的自由 <br/>甩开一切 <br/>revolution <br/>幸福之后让人窒息 <br/>不安全感瀰漫空气 <br/>无法呼吸 <br/>甩开一切 <br/>revolution <br/>别再叫我冷静的听 <br/>毁灭之前要看透你 <br/>someone let me free <br/>甩开一切 <br/>revolution <br/>幸福之后让人窒息 <br/>不安全感瀰漫空气 <br/>无法呼吸 <br/>甩开一切 <br/>revolution <br/>别再叫我冷静的听 <br/>毁灭之前要看透你 <br/>someone let me free <br/>

MV 26

