JJ Bassette

JJ Bassette

中文名:JJ Bassette 生日:1992-08-11 简介:JJ Bassette是一名23岁的美国歌手,音乐家和作曲家,在洛杉矶出生长大,现居上海。 JJ参与过包括圣丹尼斯电影节(Sundance Film Festival)在内的九项国际电影节的音乐工作。他有17年的钢琴演奏经验,毕业于南加州大学桑顿音乐学院,师从音乐大师Randy Newman. 他也与Sam Smith, KatyPerry等好莱坞巨星共同工作过,曾任三支乐队的主唱,并在好莱坞各地演出过(包括著名的蓝调之屋,House of Blues)。 JJ在阳光明媚的加州郊区长大,那里绝大多数人都是亚裔。作为街区里唯一的白人,他用英语和汉语创作歌曲。他的音乐充分融合了Beach Boys,Elton John和王力宏,周华健的风格。 Born and raised in Los Angeles, JJ Bassette is a 23-year-old American songwriter, performer, and composer currently living in Shanghai. JJ’s songs have been featured in 9 international film festivals, including the Sundance Film Festival. A pianist for 17 years and graduate of USC’s Thornton School of Music, he’s been mentored by industry legend (CH: Stars) Randy Newman, worked for some of the biggest stars in Hollywood (including Sam Smith and Katy Perry), fronted three bands, and has performed all over Hollywood (including at the House of Blues). With original songs both in English and Chinese, and having grown up as one of the only white kids in a mostly-Asian suburb of sunny California, his music is equal parts Beach Boys and Wang Lee Hom; both Elton John and Zhou HuaJian.



