Anonymous classical Composers

Anonymous classical Composers

简介: 基本内容:匿名的;姓氏不明的 Anonymous FTP Internet 匿名存取 FTP 服务器 (SERVER) 档案的方式, 需要服务器设定允许匿名存取, 在认证检查时使用者输入 ANONYMOUS 作为使用者名称, 服务器会提示使用者输入电子邮件 (E-MAIL) 账号作为密码, 由于不对邮件账号作检查, 使用者可任意输入字符串, 达成匿名登入. anonymous 歌手:bobby valentino 专辑:special occasion [Verse 1:] For a minute it was looking like I&amp;apos;d end up one of those guys, spendin my whole life looking for a special lady who&amp;apos;d save me maybe i&amp;apos;ll never be satisfied had a couple ? and a couple dimes. (Now I&amp;apos;m looking for you,) why are you so hard to find I thought I took one step, I took two back I&amp;apos;m not even close this time and that&amp;apos;s a fact All I know is that we&amp;apos;d be the perfect match So where you at love? I just gotta find you here. I wanna know, I wanna know your name (your name) Why you gotta be anonymous? I gotta know, I gotta know your name (your name) Why you gotta be anonymous? Baby I want you so much Wanna hold wanna feel your touch Go fast girl i&amp;apos;m in a rush Why you gotta be anonymous? I wanna know, I gotta know your name (your name) Why you gotta be anonymous? What&amp;apos;s your name? (Anonymous) Where you at? (Anonymous) Think about you I getta a rush I wanna meet my miss Anonymous. [Verse 2:] Then I see you when I close my eyes we all on both times with the delay to sunlight. Everything I tried to tell you I fell to maybe I&amp;apos;ll tell you another time. How you keeping me so free I get tied. Gotta strung all on me and aim me, oh nevermind. I thought I took one step, I took two back I&amp;apos;m not even close this time and that&amp;apos;s a fact All I know is that we&amp;apos;d be the perfect match So where you at love? I just gotta find you here. I wanna know, I wanna know your name (your name) Why you gotta be anonymous? I gotta know, I gotta know your name (your name) Why you gotta be anonymous? Baby I want you so much Wanna hold wanna feel your touch Go fast girl i&amp;apos;m in a rush Why you gotta be anonymous? I wanna know, I wanna know your name (your name) Why you gotta be anonymous? What&amp;apos;s your name? (Anonymous) Where you at? (Anonymous) Think about you I getta a rush I wanna meet my miss Anonymous. [Verse 3:] Is your name Mary Anne or Cathy Lee Wanna hold my hand? come get with me Which dime wanna ride everything on me girl you aint gotta lie Tell me what its gone be I gotta know... (I gotta know) I wanna know, I wanna know your name (your name) Why you gotta be anonymous? I gotta know, I gotta know your name (your name) Why you gotta be anonymous? Baby I want you so much Wanna hold wanna feel your touch Go fast girl i&amp;apos;m in a rush Why you gotta be anonymous? I wanna know, I wanna know your name (your name 2x) Why you gotta be anonymous? What&amp;apos;s your name? (Anonymous) Where you at? (Anonymous) Think about you I getta a rush I wanna meet my miss Anonymous.<br/> Anonymous黑客组织:<br/>“Anonymous”是一个组织松散的全球黑客组织,此前曾攻击了埃及和突尼斯政府网站。2011年2月3日,也门总统萨利赫的网站也遭到该黑客组织攻击,导致无法登录。 <br/>北京时间2月7日消息,据国外媒体报道,著名黑客组织“Anonymous”周日攻击了意大利政府网站,表达对意大利政治和经济形势的不满。 <br/>2010年12月,Anonymous组织攻击了信用卡公司Visa和Mastercard的网站,作为对其封锁维基解密账户的报复。<br/> PSN被黑事件:<br/>2011年4月,索尼经受了一场几乎可以称得上是灾难的洗礼——而且到现在还没有结束,自家的在线娱乐事业重要组成部分PSN和SOE分别遭受了黑客的数波攻击,起因则是由于索尼对PS3破解人、著名黑客GeoHot和破解ps3黑客组织的穷追猛打般的起诉。Anonymous就是其中一支。<br/> 领导者:<br/>由匿名者官方网站公布的最新数据来看,“匿名者”组织的最高领导者是Lj·Xie(代号 Anonymous),是“匿名者”的资深战略家和最高领导者。他说:“我们将发动游击网络战,这是一种非传统的、非对称的战争。事实上战争之火早已点燃。”他承认“匿名者”组织的行为违反法律,但辩称他们违法是出于“道德”目的,是为了监督大公司和政府,曝光他们的错误行为。他们采取的攻击手段将包括:入侵各种国际政府网站及企业网站,入侵渗透各国军事或卫星系统,在网络上公布官员的私人信息,破坏大公司的网络和电话通信等。<br/> 关注政治:<br/>“匿名者”走进政治源于2008年的一段视频:影星汤姆·克鲁斯声称要将自己完全奉献给山达基教会(新兴宗教之一)。随后,视频在网上疯传,引来大量恶搞模仿。对此,山达基教会警告,准备把发布或共享视频的用户诉诸法律。教会的反应被“匿名者”认为是“企图控制网络信息”,由此发起了反对山达基教会的活动。<br/>而从“反对山达基教会”开始,“匿名者”急速强大起来,多个政治活动都有它的身影,比如阿拉伯之春、抗议捷运、攻击索尼用户数据库以及“占领华尔街”等各种“占领”。<br/> 攻击手段:<br/>从反对山达基教会开始,“低轨道离子炮”就成为“匿名者”最著名的黑客利器。“低轨道离子炮”是一个用C语言编写的开源程序,最初只是用来测试网络应用程序负载能力的合法程序。<br/>在黑客手中,可以透过“低轨道离子炮”连接发布命令的聊天室服务器,并由这个服务器决定攻击的目标。因为网络服务器都有连接数量的规定,一旦达到限制就会罢工,这样它就能起到阻断服务的攻击效果。<br/> 在开源运动中有一个很流行的词:do-ocracy,指个人提议活动,其他人选择加入或不加入。“匿名者”就是典型的“do-ocracy”联盟,没有人批准活动或是为活动做出承诺,但是“匿名者”黑客自发而来,对一切阻碍信息自由的目标开火。<br/> 解释:匿名的;姓氏不明的 Anonymous FTP Internet 匿名存取 FTP 服务器 (SERVER) 档案的方式, 需要服务器设定允许匿名存取, 在认证检查时使用者输入 ANONYMOUS 作为使用者名称, 服务器会提示使用者输入电子邮件 (E-MAIL) 账号作为密码, 由于不对邮件账号作检查, 使用者可任意输入字符串, 达成匿名登入.<br/> 歌曲:anonymous:anonymous 歌手:bobby valentino 专辑:special occasion [Verse 1:] For a minute it was looking like I&amp;apos;d end up one of those guys, spendin my whole life looking for a special lady who&amp;apos;d save me maybe i&amp;apos;ll never be satisfied had a couple ? and a couple dimes. (Now I&amp;apos;m looking for you,) why are you so hard to find I thought I took one step, I took two back I&amp;apos;m not even close this time and that&amp;apos;s a fact All I know is that we&amp;apos;d be the perfect match So where you at love? I just gotta find you here. I wanna know, I wanna know your name (your name) Why you gotta be anonymous? I gotta know, I gotta know your name (your name) Why you gotta be anonymous? Baby I want you so much Wanna hold wanna feel your touch Go fast girl i&amp;apos;m in a rush Why you gotta be anonymous? I wanna know, I gotta know your name (your name) Why you gotta be anonymous? What&amp;apos;s your name? (Anonymous) Where you at? (Anonymous) Think about you I getta a rush I wanna meet my miss Anonymous. [Verse 2:] Then I see you when I close my eyes we all on both times with the delay to sunlight. Everything I tried to tell you I fell to maybe I&amp;apos;ll tell you another time. How you keeping me so free I get tied. Gotta strung all on me and aim me, oh nevermind. I thought I took one step, I took two back I&amp;apos;m not even close this time and that&amp;apos;s a fact All I know is that we&amp;apos;d be the perfect match So where you at love? I just gotta find you here. I wanna know, I wanna know your name (your name) Why you gotta be anonymous? I gotta know, I gotta know your name (your name) Why you gotta be anonymous? Baby I want you so much Wanna hold wanna feel your touch Go fast girl i&amp;apos;m in a rush Why you gotta be anonymous? I wanna know, I wanna know your name (your name) Why you gotta be anonymous? What&amp;apos;s your name? (Anonymous) Where you at? (Anonymous) Think about you I getta a rush I wanna meet my miss Anonymous. [Verse 3:] Is your name Mary Anne or Cathy Lee Wanna hold my hand? come get with me Which dime wanna ride everything on me girl you aint gotta lie Tell me what its gone be I gotta know... (I gotta know) I wanna know, I wanna know your name (your name) Why you gotta be anonymous? I gotta know, I gotta know your name (your name) Why you gotta be anonymous? Baby I want you so much Wanna hold wanna feel your touch Go fast girl i&amp;apos;m in a rush Why you gotta be anonymous? I wanna know, I wanna know your name (your name 2x) Why you gotta be anonymous? What&amp;apos;s your name? (Anonymous) Where you at? (Anonymous) Think about you I getta a rush I wanna meet my miss Anonymous.

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