

简介:麦嘉欣的艺人档案   1997年6月20日出生于澳门 (中国) ,现年22岁,中葡日意法西 混血儿; Sofia 麦嘉欣 是 2017年国际小姐澳门代表,于 2017年9月在网络爆红,被誉为【最美澳门小姐】,消息在中港澳及台湾等地受到关注,除了刊登于各地刊物外, 还被传统电视媒体报道,同时亦被网络媒体介绍,并于网络疯传。其实 Sofia 麦嘉欣 由六岁开始成为模特儿, 中葡混血的她因为五官深邃,形象健康,笑容甜美,造型百变, 至今已被各类品牌及公司客户邀请担任代言,拍摄平面及媒体广告, 包括著名品牌【Panasonic】及【Bossini】等; 由于外貌充满澳门的土生葡人特色,所以被挑选成为【2017国际小姐澳门代表】 在之前她亦参加过国际性选美比赛,曾获得港澳区季军,中华区以及亚太区十强名次; 从 2013年开始 Sofia麦嘉欣担任过各类型活动及电视台节目主持,包括节目 【2018ViuTV节目巡礼】【2013有线电视奇妙台快乐地球澳门篇】; 除了模特儿及主持工作外,Sofia麦嘉欣 亦有戏剧上的 作品,她担任过几部MV的女主角,歌舞舞台剧的女主角及女配角,亦有参与网剧演出,于2017年凭MV【拜华-活埋】及【马檇铿-牛郎】 获得【第二届澳!MV颁奖盛典最佳女演员奖】【第二届澳!MV颁奖盛典最佳演员团队奖】 演出MV作品包括【拜华-活埋】【马檇铿-牛郎】【罗嘉豪-蠢人】, 演出歌舞舞台剧作品包括【阿婆井的传说】【十六种回忆】, Sofia麦嘉欣 同时亦是一名KOL,在网络社交媒体建立频道,以照片及短片进行各类型分享; Sofia麦嘉欣 除了是模特儿,主持,演员及KOL外,也是一位能歌善舞的小女孩, 她从六岁开始就在多个城市演出过各类舞蹈,她最擅长的是葡萄牙土风舞和流行舞, 此外还演出过印度舞,中国舞及现代舞等,除了舞蹈外还参加过很多歌唱比赛及歌唱演出,从2012年至今获得超过八个歌唱比赛三甲,2018年5月推出了两首个人首支广东话及国语单曲。   Sofia Paiva was born on 20 June, 1997, currently 22 years old.She was born in Macau (China), mixed race (Chinese, Portuguese, Japanese,Italian, French and Spanish).Sofia was the Macau representative for Miss International 2017.She became popular on the internet in 2017, known as “the most beautiful Miss Macau”.News received attention in China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. In addition to being published in local publications, it has also been reported by traditional TV media, online media, and got widely repost on the internet.In fact,Sofia started her model career at age of 6, because of her facial features, healthy image, sweet smile and variety in style; she has been invited by various brands and corporate to act as endorsements, filming and media advertising, including famous brands such as “Panasonic” advertising in Japan and “Bossini”.She has been selected as Macau representative for Miss International 2017 due to her native Portuguese characteristics appearance.She has also participated in international beauty contest and won third place in Hong Kong and Macau, China and won top ten in Asia Pacific region.Sofia has hosted various types of events and TV shows since 2013, including She has act as main actress in several music videos, singing and theater play actress and also participate in online drama.She received the【第二届澳1MY颁奬盛典最佳女演员award】 and 【第二届澳!MV颁奖盛典最佳演员团队award】because she participated in [Danilo •活埋] and [Roberto Madan•牛郎]She has performed in [Danilo •活埋] [Roberto Madan•牛郎] [Hyper Lo-蠢人], also participate at theater play includes【阿婆井的传说】【十六种回忆】Sofia won the first award 【澳 ! 共鸣新星奖】in Hong Kong as a singer in 2019,Sofia is also a KOL; she has built up her own social media channels, using video to share all types of things.She is not only a model, host, actress, KOL, she can also dance and sing,Sofia has been performing different style of dance in various cities since age of 6, she is best at Portuguese folk dance and pop dance, she has also performed Indian dance, Chinese dance and modern dance.In addition to dancing, she has also participated in many singing competitions and singing performances. Sofia has won top 3 at more than 8 singing competitions since 2012, and released her first Cantonese single in May 2018.

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