

简介:Ghazal是种音乐形式,约公元1000年左右产生于波斯,14世纪从波斯进入到印度。有着很深的阿拉伯文化(尤其是苏菲禁欲神秘主义-Sufism)的根基。 笼统地说,Ghazal是一种表达爱情的诗歌体裁, 但因为爱是神圣的(最高境界的“爱”是同真主的精神结合),理想的Ghazal应该有三层“爱”的含义:情欲、神秘和哲理。所以与印度性爱艺术中直白描写的肉体之爱不一样,个人的情欲只能委婉地、通过隐匿的形式表达出来,在诗歌的意境里Ghazal多采用拟人或暗喻的表现手法,来表达爱的情感和思绪。   Ghazal传入印度后,通过两条途径传播和发展:一是以男性宫廷诗人以吟诵为主,他们的作品通常经过严格的筛选和甄别。二是以艺妓为主,以半古典半娱乐的歌唱方式流行于中、上层社会之间。在18世纪以前,朗诵性的Ghazal占主导地位,但19世纪后声乐Ghazal逐渐占据上风,但由于艺妓娱乐的形式同正统穆斯林道德观相抵触,声乐Ghazal受社会风俗的约束遭到严格压制,这种状况一直持续到20世纪才有所改观。   由伊朗波斯传统弦乐器kamancheh演奏家Kayhan Kalhor、印度西塔琴演奏家,歌手ShujaatHusain Khan与塔不拉鼓手Sanndep Das组成的国际组合Ghazal。秉承了古代Ghazal的精髓,以民族传统乐器:Kamancheh,Sitar,Tabla加上自然地人声。极致委婉而隐匿地表达了对古代亚欧文化传播之路——丝绸之路的憧憬,以及对生命之源——水的珍爱。   by Craig Harris Kayhan Kalhour (born: 1963 in Tehran, Iran) is one of the first to bring the musical traditions of Iran to the United States. A master of the kamencheh, a four stringed ancestor of the fiddle, Kalhour has continued to perform and expand upon the folk, devotional and classical music of his homeland since settling in New York and forming his first band, the Dastan Ensemble, withy vocalist Shahram Nazeri, in 1990. Since 1996, Kalhour has continued to explore a similar vein with his band, Ghazal. Beginning his studies of the kamencheh at the age of seven, Kalhour quickly adapted to the instrument. While in high school, he won several national competitions. Following the Islamic Revolution of the mid-'80s, he settled temporarily in Italy and Canada before moving to the United States.

