

简介: P.O.DPayable On Death介绍:<br/>这支来自圣地亚哥的4人说唱金属乐队成立于 1992 年。在一众重摇滚乐队中他们显得与别不同,独树一帜。他们热爱上帝,用圣经作为歌词,但同时他们玩的是凶猛的音乐。“工业、噪音、嘻哈、重金属”,与“信心、盼望、救赎、十字架”混为一谈,却全然不冲突。乐队成员包括鼓手 Wuv、主唱 Sonny、吉他手 Marcos 及贝斯手 Traa。<br/>在各界推崇好评下,P.O.D 第二张名为《Satellite》的专辑趁势推出;风格上仍延续嘻哈、金属、庞克、雷鬼等多品种音乐热力。单曲 Set It Off 放射出有如 Rage Against The Machine 早期疯狂带劲的饶舌及生猛过瘾的摇滚力道;首支主攻单曲 Alive 在重击的摇滚节奏中加入较为流畅的旋律,相信会吸引更广大层面的乐迷;因一则触目惊心的校园枪枝扫射悲剧有感而发地写下的 Youth Of The Nation 震憾人心,Thinking About Forever 则是缅怀 Sonny 已逝母亲所写下的感人小品。<br/>这首《Youth Of The Nation》一开始的嘈杂人声曾一度让我以为转错台了……他们的风格跟林肯公园非常类似,不过穿插其中的雷鬼节奏依然让他们极具特色,听起来就“不仅仅是烦躁”了。尤其是结尾的童声合唱和主唱的交互对唱相得益彰,非常具救赎意味!<br/>歌手:P.O.D.<br/>专辑:Satellite<br/>发行:2001年9月11日<br/>厂牌:Atlantic<br/>官方:http://www.payableondeath.com/<br/>专辑曲目在线视听:<br/> Set It Off Alive [MV] Boom Youth Of The Nation[MV] Celestial Satellite [MV] Ridiculous The Messenjah Guitarras de Amor Anything Right Ghetto Masterpiece Conspiracy Nothin' Without Jah Thinking About Forever Portrait<br/>P.O.D. - Youth Of The Nation[MV]<br/>Last day of the rest of my life<br/>I wish I would have known cause i'd have kissed my momma goobye.<br/>I didn't tell her that I loved her or how much cared or thank my<br/>pops for all the talks and all the wisdom he shared.<br/>Unaware I just did what I always do.<br/>Everyday the same routine before I skate off to school<br/>But who knew that this day wasnt like the rest,<br/>Instead of takin the test I took two to the chest.<br/>Call me blind but I didn't see it comin and<br/>everybody was runnin but I couldn't<br/>hear nothin, except gun blast, it happened so fast<br/>I didn't really know this kid though I sat by him in class.<br/>Maybe this kid was reachin out for love or<br/>maybe for a moment he forgot who he was or<br/>maybe this kid just wanted to be hugged,<br/>whatever it was I know its because<br/>We are We are the youth of the nation (repeat)x4<br/>Little Suzzie she was only twelve<br/>She was given the world with every chance to excel<br/>Hang with the boys and hear the stories they tell<br/>She might act kinda proud but no respect for herself<br/>She finds love in all the wrong places<br/>The same situations but different faces.<br/>Changed up her pace since her daddy left her<br/>Too bad he never told her she deserved much better.<br/>Johnny boy always played the fool,<br/>He broke all the rules so you would think he was cool.<br/>He was never really one of the guys<br/>No matter how hard he tried,<br/>Often thought of suicide<br/>It's kinda hard when you ain't got no friends,<br/>He put his life to an end they might remember him then.<br/>You cross a line and there is no turnin back<br/>He told the world how he felt with the sound of a gat.<br/>Who's to blame for the life that tragedies claim?<br/>No matter what you say it won't take away the pain<br/>That I feel inside, I'm tired of all the lies<br/>Don't nobody know why<br/>It's the blind leadin' the blind.<br/>Guess that's the way that the story goes,<br/>Will it ever make sense somebody's gotta know,<br/>There's gotta be more to life than this,<br/>There's got to be more to everything<br/>I thought exists<br/>P.O.D. - Satellite<br/>在优秀的硬摇滚音乐制作人 Howard Benson 的打造下,P.O.D. 乐队的第二张正式专辑《Satellite》在2001年9月11日这天发行,尽管在这天美国遭受了非常严重的恐怖袭击,但是这并没有太影响 P.O.D. 乐队专辑的销售,他们的专辑第一次进入了 Billboard 200 排行榜的前十名,专辑的销量也突破了两百万张而他们的混合硬核朋克,雷鬼和说唱音乐的风格也在 Howard Benson 的制作之下形成了 P.O.D. 乐队的特色。<br/>《Satellite》推出后,旋即获得美国专业音乐网站AMG和滚石杂志授予四颗星的一致高评,滚石杂志还盛赞这张专辑为“2001年最充满精神的重摇滚唱片”!在今年推出的全球大片《黑客帝国2:重装上阵》的原声大碟中,P.O.D又以耀眼的实力和迅速窜升的火爆人气获邀献上一曲新作《Sleeping Awake》!现在P.O.D.正以多元且勇于尝鲜的音乐才情为今日新一代摇滚势力做出漂亮的宣言,也更具魅力地占上属于他们的一席之地!<br/> P.O.D.乐队的转折出现自1998年,在乐队录制了一张名为《Warriors》的EP专辑之后,Atlantic Records注意到了他们对于音乐的执著以及他们努力工作的敬业精神,他们很快就和P.O.D.乐队签下了合同,并且在1999年,发行了乐队的第一张正式专辑《The Fundamental Elements of Southtown》,加上专辑中多首非常具有冲击力的单曲,这张P.O.D.乐队的处子作专辑的销量超过了100万张。这样好的表现使这支乐队在当地很快就变得家喻户晓,在当地的音乐圈内也成为了硬摇滚乐的王牌力量。有了非常不错的销售成绩之后,P.O.D.乐队也有机会在一些大型的音乐现场演出中露脸,通过在各大音乐节,和大型的音乐演唱会上的演出,他们的知名度进一步的扩大。随后,P.O.D.乐队渐渐成为了一支在全美国都很知名的硬摇滚乐队,他们也再次通过挤身好莱坞一些大牌影星诸如阿尔·帕西诺(Al Pacino)和亚当·桑德勒(Adam Sandler)的电影原声带而宣传自己的音乐,并进一步扩张自己的领土。在优秀的硬摇滚音乐制作人Howard Benson的打造下,P.O.D.乐队的第二张正式专辑《Satellite》在2001年9月11日这天发行,尽管在这天美国遭受了非常严重的恐怖袭击,但是这并没有太影响P.O.D.乐队专辑的销售,他们的专辑第一次进入了Billboard 200排行榜的前十名,专辑的销量也突破了两百万张而他们的混合硬核朋克,雷鬼和说唱音乐的风格也在Howard Benson的制作之下形成了P.O.D.乐队的特色。<br/> P.O.D的五张专辑为:<br/> 《When Angels And Serpents》<br/> 《Greatest Hits The Atlantic Years》<br/> 《Limited Edition Bonus》<br/> 《Testify》<br/> 《Payable on Death》<br/>

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