Ian Cameron Smith

Ian Cameron Smith

简介:伊恩·卡梅伦·史密斯是一位来自澳大利亚深受欢迎的新世纪音乐作曲家以及吉他演奏家,他的音乐舒缓、深情、感性的风格,使你的精神得到真正的放松和心灵的愉悦。 Ian Cameron Smith is an Australian composer of the finest heartfelt instrumental music who resides on the magnificent Northern beaches of Sydney. His performance comes from the heart with a soothing, soulful and sensitive style that truly relaxes and embraces the listener. A self-taught musician since he was 10, Ian has composed, recorded, produced and independently marketed his growing collection of CDs worldwide, written an Australian feature film score and collaborated on a number of other fine CD releases with other musicians and professional therapists. A real sculptor of sound, Ian meticulously crafts his music to ensure that each album is of the highest calibre, earning him a well respected position in the instrumental and relaxation music industry throughout the world. His highly acclaimed music presents a fresh new sound from Australian shores that has firmly established Ian as one of Australias favourite composers in his field.



