

简介:Fraction's sole contribution to the history of music was an impressive one. I came across this one thanks to a youtube video about obscure "heavy psychedelic albums." This was was the top pick, and rightly so. Jim Beach's vocals do indeed resemble Jim Morrison to an extent, and one can't help but go "aw man" when he breaks into a Morrisonesque spoken-word passage on "This Bird." The lyrics are curiously spiritual, with obvious (though never "preachy") Christian allusions, which is a rarity for 1970. "Sanc-Divided" sets the mood for the album as one of eerie, sly darkness. This is one that needs to be heard in the dark (i.e. a long drive home late in the evening). The album's centerpiece is definitely the 9-minute "Eye of the Hurricane," on which there's also a clear Black Sabbath influence as well. The major pentatonic soloing on "Sons Come to Birth" is verrrrry nice. Any fan of early seventies rock need to pick this one up, alongside Dragonfly's eponymous record, For Love or Money by Highway Robbery, Jerusalem's first CD and just about any other obscure proto-metal from back in the day. After all, what would Jesus do?

