

简介:汤捷的艺人档案  来自台北嘻哈乐团品格教育的饶舌歌手。2015 起在 Soundcloud 等平台发表作品,初期作品是台湾年轻世代歌词中少数大量讽刺中马英九政权的饶舌歌手。近期的作品主要关注八年级、九年级年轻人的情绪问题、网络交友、物质成瘾等等。风格曾被认为很像刚出道的MC HotDog。2018发表第一张个人专辑〈L.O.C.K.〉。       Tang Jie, also known as Fat Nerdy Loser, is the rapper of hip hop duo Goodman Production, which began uploading songs to platforms such as Soundcloud in 2015. He was one of the few young Taiwanese rappers who wrote many lyrics satirizing Ma Ying-jeou's government. Fat Nerdy Loser's recent works mainly focus on the emotional issues faced by the youth and other phenomena such as online dating and material addiction. Listeners have drawn comparisons between the rap style of Fat Nerdy Loser and that of MC HotDog's early songs. 2018 marks the year of Fat Nerdy Loser's debut personal album, "L.O.C.K."

