

简介:冉明阳是来自中国的独立音乐人,他富有特色的清澈嗓音给听众留下了深刻的印象。冉明阳从小接受钢琴演奏的训练,初中开始自学吉他并尝试创作音乐。2014年,冉发表了第一张原创专辑《iSimple》,独自完成全部的词曲创作、编曲混音与演唱;从此,冉走上了独立音乐人的道路。2018年是冉明阳创作的分水岭:2018年之前,他的歌曲以风格明快的城市民谣为主,搭配他清新的嗓音给人以“少年感”;2018年之后,冉将更多的目光投放于社会现实问题上,笔触深刻,作品富有批判性。 冉明阳(Ran Mingyang) is an independent musician from China, and his distinctive and clear voice has left a profound impression on listeners. Ran received piano training from a young age and began self-learning the guitar in junior high school, exploring music composition. In 2014, he released his first original album, 'iSimple,' where he independently handled all aspects of songwriting, composing, arranging, mixing, and singing. Since then, Ran has embarked on the path of an independent musician. The year 2018 marked a turning point in Ran Mingyang's creative journey. Before 2018, his songs were characterized by upbeat urban folk styles, coupled with his refreshing voice that conveyed a youthful vibe. After 2018, Ran shifted his focus more towards addressing societal issues with a profound and critical touch in his works. Brief Profile: Specialties: Piano, Guitar, Arrangement, Composition Notable Works: "不破不立" (“No Breaking No Making”), “兒茶酚胺 ("Catecholamines"), “狄拉克海” ("Dirac Sea"), “孤芳自賞” ("Self-Admiration") Key Experiences: * 2014: Released debut original album "iSimple" * 2015: Released album “溫暖的墨爾本” ("Warm Melbourne") * 2016: Released album “守望黑夜” ("Watching the Night") * 2017: Released album “瑪格麗特” ("Margaret") * 2018: Released album “廣州再見” ("Goodbye, Guangzhou"), single “護士” ("Nurse") * 2019: Released album “兒茶酚胺” ("Catecholamines") * 2022: Released album “狄拉克海” ("Dirac Sea")

