GG Magree

GG Magree

简介:GG Magree is an Australian-born artist whose unique punk rock & bass sound has catapulted her to sold-out shows across the globe; with performances at major festivals including Coachella, Lollapalooza, Firefly, Ultra & more. GG has been sought after for collaborations with some of the hottest producers in music - among them her vocal debut with electronic royalty NGHTMRE & Zeds Dead - a track with over 35 million streams on Spotify alone.  澳大利亚DJ/制作人/歌手GG Magree拥有独特的声音,使她从一名普通歌手的身份一跃成为了在全球范围内炙手可热的明星。她受到了几乎每个大型音乐节的邀请,如Coachella, Lollapalooza, Firefly, Ultra等。同时她也多次与国际知名艺人合作,首支合作单曲是与电子音乐人NGHTMRE和Zeds Dead合作的,在全球范围内获得了超过3500万播放量。

