Liona Boyd

Liona Boyd

中文名:Liona Boyd 别名:莱昂娜·博伊德 国籍:加拿大 出生地:英国伦敦 生日:1949 年 7 月 11 日 教育背景:多伦多大学 所获奖项:Juno Award for Instrumental Album of the Year 简介:Liona Maria Carolynne Boyd, CM, O.Ont, is a Canadian classical guitarist, composer, songwriter and singer. Boyd was born in London, England on July 11, 1949, moved to Canada with her parents when she was eight years old and became a naturalized Canadian citizen in 1975. She lives in Toronto, Canada. 从艺历程:You can think of Liona Boyd as the woman who surreptitiously dated Pierre Elliott Trudeau while he was Canadian prime minister. Or the musician requested by Judge Lance Ito to entertain restless O.J. Simpson trial jurors. If you listen to her play, you can just as easily consider her one of the best guitarists in the world. After coming to Canada from her native England at age six, Boyd asked her parents for a guitar eight years later as a Christmas present. She took lessons from the legendary Julian Bream and Andres Segovia. She graduated with honors from the University of Toronto and won first prize in the Canadian National Music Competition. After studying privately in Paris for two years Boyd returned to North America and recorded her first album in 1974. The Guitar, including works by J.S. Bach, Claude Debussy and Isaac Albeniz was greeted warmly by critics and her debut at the Carnegie Recital Hall garnered rave reviews. Liona two years later offered more classical guitar, including 12 previously unrecorded works for guitar. She played four more pieces by Bach, one by Mussorgsky and one by Boyd, illustrating compositional gifts that would later flower. She subsequently composed everything on Classically Yours and it won a Juno at the Canadian music awards. She's won five Junos and her adopted country honored her with the Order of Canada, although she's lived in Los Angeles since 1991. Boyd could have been an Air Miles poster girl as she performed all over the world. Her fresh, strawberry blonde looks couldn't have stood in the way of several appearances on late-night American TV variety shows, but she earned acclaim with her artistry. Broadening beyond classical music, Boyd toured with Gordon Lightfoot and Tracy Chapman as well as recording with Zamfir, Roger Whittaker and Chet Atkins. Her dalliance with popular music culminated with the 1986 album Persona, which included collaborations with Eric Clapton and Pink Floyd guitarist David Gilmour as well as cellist Yo-Yo Ma. Other collaborators have included Liberace, Julio Iglesias and Placido Domingo. Five times Guitar Player Magazine has named her the top classical guitarist. She's played private concerts for royalty, presidents and prime ministers. In perhaps her oddest performance, Boyd strummed her strings for jurors deliberating Simpson's fate. She and her American husband, real estate developer John Simon, visited the courthouse under strict secrecy. Her 1998 autobiography In My Own Key: My Life in Love and Music includes details of her eight-year affair with Trudeau, who insisted they keep their relationship quiet, even sneaking her out of the Canadian prime minister's residence under a pile of coats on the floor of his car. One bumpy moment in their relationship came during a visit to Canada by Queen Elizabeth in 1977 when Boyd was exiled to the back of a banquet hall while the PM escorted ballerina Karen Kain. Besides her continuing love of music and an interest in painting, Boyd defends animal rights. In September 1998 she performed a benefit concert in California to raise money for the Last Chance for Animals group. 荣誉记录:Instrumental Artist of the Year, Juno Awards, five times Gallery of the Greats, Classical Guitar Player Classical Guitar Musician of the Year, Guitar Player, five times Order of Canada Order of Ontario Vanier Award Prix Esprit du Ciècle 早年经历:Liona的祖母是西班牙利纳雷斯镇人,那里正是安德雷斯·塞戈维亚(Andres Segovia)的故乡,她的父亲生长于西班牙毕尔巴鄂市,但她本人却出生于英国伦敦,于八岁移居加拿大,参加了才艺比赛,用中音木笛演奏了自己的第一场“音乐会”。十四岁时她向父母要了一把吉他当作圣诞礼物。在Liona听了伟大的英国古典吉他大师朱利安·布里姆(Julian Bream)的音乐会后,就决心要在吉他演奏方面有所成就。少女时代她曾师从于伊利·卡斯纳尔(Eli Kassner)、纳斯科·叶佩斯(Narcisco Yepes)、阿里里奥·迪亚兹(Alirio Diaz)、朱利安·布里姆(Julian Bream)等吉他大师,古典吉他的传奇人物安德雷斯·塞戈维亚(Andres Segovia)曾经写下这样的话:“我预言Liona会拥有不平凡的职业生涯。” Liona以优异成绩从加拿大多伦多大学毕业,获得了演奏专业的学士学位,并摘得加拿大国家音乐比赛桂冠。之后她又在巴黎跟随亚历山大·拉戈亚(Alexandre Lagoya)学习了两年,然后回到了北美洲,在Boot/London唱片公司录制了第一张专辑。她在卡内基音乐大厅举办的首场演出结束后,《纽约时报》赞美其为“闪耀的天才”。 Lion曾在全球各地举办音乐会,也有机会为世界各国许多领导人演奏,其中包括英国皇室、西班牙国王及王后、美国总统、墨西哥总统、加拿大总理、法国总理、德国总理及英国首相,也曾应邀在北约,及峰会上进行演奏。应莫斯科市长邀请,Liona在克里姆林宫的新年晚会上进行演出,从而成为第一个在克里姆林宫演奏的加拿大人。她也是首位在巴黎的新巴士底歌剧院演出的艺术家。她所奏响的吉他之音萦绕于世界各个城市的音乐厅——从东京、香港、北京、曼谷、新德里,爱丁堡、巴黎、奥克兰、法兰克福、圣地亚哥、里约热内卢、巴格达、哈瓦那、伦敦,到哥本哈根、里斯本和墨西哥城。 Liona在北美洲的每个主要城市进行独奏音乐会,并经常与交响乐团如波士顿通俗乐团进行合作,这使她的音乐在北美地区得到关注。她曾与安德Andrew Davis,马友友,Georges Zamfir,Michael Kamen等人共同录制唱片。并且她打破古典音乐传统,与Gordon Lightfoot,Tracy Chapman共同举办巡回演唱会,和Chet Atkins,Eric Clapton,David Gilmore,Roger Whittaker等人合作录音。作为特邀嘉宾Liona曾参加一系列电视演出,如The Tonight Show,Today Show,Nightline,Entertainment Tonight等。与CBS/Sony唱片合作让她的职业生涯走向高度成功,从而使她的音乐在国际范围内获得了更多的听众。澳大利亚《堪培拉时报》评论道:“激动人心的精彩演奏,音乐优雅完美,技巧毫无瑕疵,胜过我曾听过的其他一切吉他演奏。” Liona经常演奏她原创的保留曲目或者专门为她而谱的曲子。她为20世纪福克斯公司的影片《云中漫步》(A Walk in the Clouds)演奏的音乐赢得了金秋奖最佳配乐奖,她也为其他电影如《A Dream of White Elephants'》及迪士尼影片《A Kid in King Arthur's Court》配乐。Liona大师级的艺术造诣为她带来五张黄金、三张白金唱片,并且赢得了五次朱诺奖(相当于加拿大的格莱美奖)、四个荣誉学位以及加拿大最高荣誉奖。在Guitar Player Magazine举办的最佳古典吉他演奏家评选投票中她五次名列榜首,并入选该杂志“名人堂”。加拿大广播公司(CBC)为她制作了一系列长达一小时的特别节目,包括“Romancing the Guitar - The Life and Times of Liona Boyd”以及“Opening Night”等。Liona的自传《In My Own Key – My Life in Love and Music》,成为畅销书,她的音乐录影更是经常在美国公共电视台(PBS)“经典艺术展播”(Classic Arts Showcase)等节目中播出。 最近Liona决定要追寻对拉丁文化的热情和对西班牙语言的热爱。在新专辑《Camino Latino/Latin Journey》中,她将拉丁流行节拍与浪漫的西班牙吉他音乐结合在一起。这张由Richard Fortin制作的唱片中,吉他演奏家Al di Meola,Steve Morse,Jesse Cook,Strunz and Farah,Johannes Linstead,Pavlo,Luis Villegas以及拉丁歌手Innis等人作为嘉宾都有充满活力的表现。 “少女时代居住在墨西哥的时光使我爱上了这个国家、这里的食物、舞蹈当然还有音乐!只要我的巡回演出来到中南美洲地区,我就会对当地观众有一种特殊的亲近感。”现在,除了独奏和与交响乐团合作,Liona也已开始与一支新派拉丁(Nuevo Latino)乐队,以及特邀嘉宾帕夫洛(Pavlo)一起举办巡回演出。 Liona写道“音乐为我们的生活经历增添了无数色彩和美丽。能够与全世界人们共享音乐这种人类共通的美好语言,我深感幸运”。Liona目前居住在加利福尼亚,投身于繁忙的录音及巡演工作。



