

简介:Paper Idol简介 介于独立与电子之间的音乐人Paper Idol 详情介绍 Here's everything you need to know, in chronological order: My name is Matan. I grew up in a cold Midwestern city. My first band included my dad and three friends. We won the battle of the bands in the local metal scene. This made the other metal bands angry because we only played Red Hot Chili Peppers covers. In college, I studied neuroscience and made music from people's brainwaves. After college, I got a job installing medical software in a Danish hospital. Naturally, I quit my job and moved to LA to make music again.Now I perform as Paper Idol, which sounds like a cross between your favorite indie rock band and your favorite French DJ. As a live band, we promise to make you dance, laugh, cry, and sing - all at the same time. I'll be releasing a bunch of songs at the top of 2019, so stay tuned.

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