

中文名:曾雅君 外文名:Yachun Asta Tzeng 别名:新客家一姊 国籍:中国 民族:汉族 出生地:台湾新竹县北埔乡 生日:1986年4月22日 职业:客家语歌手 代表作:专辑《Yachun Asta Tzeng》、《心地》 星座:金牛座 生肖:虎 活跃年代:2003年至今 音乐类型:客语流行音乐 主要成就:2010年第21届金曲奖最佳客语专辑奖、2014年第24届金曲奖最佳客语专辑奖、2014年第24届金曲奖最佳客语歌手奖 简介:一位用灵魂唱作的独立创作歌手╱音乐製作人╱长笛手╱芳疗师 - Asta。 并非生于音乐世家的Asta,体内住着古老的音乐灵魂,十二岁即开始尝试创作、学习钢琴与长笛,累积创作十年之后,于2009年发行个人首张同名创作专辑【Yachun Asta Tzeng 曾雅君】,隔年即获得了第21届金曲奖最佳客语专辑、第1届金音创作奖最佳新人奖、以及第1届金音创作奖最佳民谣单曲奖 -《A Song For Moon 给月亮的歌》。 2013年再度发表个人第二张创作专辑【Heart Land 心地】,除了一样包办词曲与编曲之外,更是自己独立製作及发行整张专辑。当中的作品《I'm On My Way 走人》在发行同年,获得第四届金音创作奖最佳节奏蓝调单曲奖;并于2014年以【Heart Land 心地】专辑获得第25届金曲奖最佳客语专辑与最佳客语歌手两项大奖。 睽违六年,Asta于2019年推出个人第叁张创作专辑【Yourself 自己】,并以此张作品获得第18届美国独立音乐大奖(Independent Music Awards)流行音乐製作人(Pop Music Producer)的提名。 在发行叁张独立製作的演唱作品后,这一次,Asta以长笛与人声双主奏的唱作专辑【FEAST OF THE SOUL】出辑。从Asta重拾长笛到专辑完成,耗时七年,从毫无头绪、找到方向、到全心投入长笛的音乐发想与创作。对Asta来说,创作本是一种自由的流动、是不受侷限的创造,创作从来就不是只能怎麽样、而不能怎麽样。在Asta决心重拾长笛后,受到加拿大长笛手 – Jef Kearns的启发,尝试将长笛与自己最喜爱的音乐 - RnB、灵魂乐等结合、并在其中融入人声演唱,抱着值得一试的心态“玩看看”,想不到,这样呈现出来的化学效应,就此在Asta的音乐世界裡激起了许多火花。即使这是一张长笛唱作专辑,我们仍然可以听见Asta擅长的个人多部合声,巧妙地在编曲与主奏中穿梭;专辑中也特别邀请多年的音乐战友 - 圣代 跨刀合作两首歌曲,将饶舌融入长笛演奏,带给你前所未有的听觉体验。 【FEAST OF THE SOUL】全专辑以灵性为概念、脉轮为主题,如同一场灵魂的飨宴,每一首作品对应不同脉轮与色彩。搭配此次作品的主轴,专辑的主要色彩以複杂且神祕的蓝紫配色为走向、设计以神谕卡为灵感,这不仅仅是一张专辑,是一张结合音乐与神谕卡的独到之作。 随着宇宙能量的推进、地球频率的扬升,旧有的思维与模式都将成为过去,许多人渐渐找回自己的灵魂本质、无限的可能性也将随之被激发与创造,就在这个时候,【FEAST OF THE SOUL】正式问世,这绝对是一张你必需收藏的新维度钜作! 追踪Asta: Instagram: @astamusic.ig @astalovesaroma facebook: Asta and Her Path of Music Asta is a songwriter, singer, music producer, flutist, and aromatherapist from Taiwan. She found the passion for music in her teens, then she wrote her first song when she was 12 years old. After participating in some songwriting competitions, her debut album - YACHUN ASTA TZENG was finally released in 2009, and this record got her two Golden Indie Music Awards - The Best New Artist / The Best Folk Single. Her second album - HEART LAND was released in 2013 which was an album produced by herself, and she got The Best R&B Single of the 4th Golden Indie Music Awards with this record. Though she started to be a music producer on other projects, she still worked on her own stuff. In 2019, her 3rd album - YOURSELF produced by herself was released, and she was nominated for The Pop Music Producer of the 18th Independent Music Awards with this record. The latest album - FEAST OF THE SOUL is her debut flute music album. Actually, this is not just an instrumental album but with her unique vocals. FEAST OF THE SOUL was awarded for the 11th InterContinental Music Awards - Best Song of America in R&B genre - "INTUITION", and Asta was awarded for the 9th Josie Music Awards for Musician of the Year - Flute in 2023. Journey of Playing the Flute Asta started learning to play the flute when she was a junior high school student, but due to the pressure in school, she decided to stop learning to play the flute. She had been learning the flute for a year at that time, but she didn't find great joy in playing this musical instrument because the style she learned was not her type. She took her flute back around 2015 and found flute music deeply touched her. She got the direction for her own flute music through the inspiration from a Canadian flutist - Jef Kearns. Then, she started to practice playing the flute in an opposite way, and write music for the flute. And the idea for making a flute album had sprouted up. Making music for flute is not quite as easy as writing songs for vocals, and this is completely a different field to her, so this record took her seven years to work on. Now, it's truly time to share this masterpiece with you! Follow Asta: Instagram: @astamusic.ig @astalovesaroma facebook: 荣誉记录:2003年作品《不关我的事》获HIPHAK念歌街舞大赛创作组亚军 2004年作品《么介错了》获第一届客家流行歌曲创作比赛冠军 2005年作品《承认》获台湾原创音乐大奖--母语歌曲创作比赛客语组冠军 2006年作品《拼命的甘苦》获台湾原创音乐大奖--母语歌曲创作比赛(客语组) 2009年作品《存在》获台湾原创流行音乐大奖客语组二等奖 2009年发行首张个人创作专辑《Yachun Asta Tzeng》,5月与欧开合唱团赴美加参与2009北美地区台湾传统周巡回演出。 2010年专辑《Yachun Asta Tzeng》获得第21届金曲奖最佳客语专辑奖、最佳客语歌手奖、与最佳专辑制作人奖3项提名,并最终获得最佳客语专辑奖。 2013年发行第二张个人创作专辑《Heart Land 心地》。 2013年获得文化部影视及流行音乐产业局金音创作奖(第四届)的最佳电节奏蓝调曲奖(作品《走人》于专辑《Heart Land 心地》)。 2014年获第25届台湾金曲奖最佳客语歌手奖,专辑《心地》获最佳客语专辑奖。 人物介绍:台湾的客语创作歌手,出生于1986年。从十二岁即开始投入音乐创作领域,可说是客家流行音乐界的年轻创作奇才,被称作“客家的黄韵玲”。作品都带有相当强烈的个人风格,像是荣获2005年台湾原创音乐大奖母语歌曲创作比赛冠军的歌曲《承认》,歌词中试图表述自己内心的真实独白,那种矛盾不安的情绪在雅君的歌声中挥洒的淋漓尽致,即使听完数十遍之后也不会厌倦,因此能在众多的优秀音乐创作者之中夺得评审团的肯定。2010年6月26日,曾雅君专辑《Yachun Asta Tzeng》获得第21届金曲奖最佳客语专辑奖。2014年,她因专辑《心地》再获金曲奖相关奖项。 个人作品:2010年07月09日《Yachun Asta Tzeng》 2013年05月09日《心地》

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