

简介:『生活中没有真正的小确幸,只有吃不完的大便』 一组来自台湾台北的流行庞克乐队,生活中有许多事情与人物让你想骂"吃大便",不如跟著一起来粗大Band 吧!以谐音幽默集结的美式庞克乐团「粗大Band」,一定不会让你在这令人发闷、厌世的世代轻易被击倒!透过阳光大男孩的视角,以幽默且谐音的角度,面对生命中不如意与不开心的人事物,对著它们大喊一声「吃大便」!用力抒发后,更要你好好把握当下即时行乐继续追梦! 粗大Band 乐团成立于 2014 年,由主唱老卢自身生活经历发想创作为主,因年少时期深受欧美流行庞克乐风与滑板文化所影响,与几位好友共同组成这支全创作乐团。2015 年开始受邀参与大型音乐节,并于 2016 年三月发行乐团首张单曲《未知的星球》,2017 年释出〈纪念的歌〉、〈绚烂花火〉新 Demo,乐团并自办「屎路一条」系列台湾巡迴,更陆续登上了「The Next Big Thing 见证大团」、「Fireball 火球祭」、「摇滚台中」、「Wake up 觉醒音乐祭」、「巨兽音乐祭」……等重量级独立音乐活动,现场演出高张力,由此确立「粗大Band」的转变,粉丝数因为潜心经营,在短短一年内迅速成长,翻倍扩大。 Founded in 2014 in Taipei, Taiwan, by lead vocalist Daniel Lu, 粗大Band / Thick Big Band is a band that is heavily influenced by Western punk rock and skateboarding culture. The spirit of the band is to live life with a sunny and bold outlook, telling life and its many unpleasant challenges to “eat shit!” Thick Big Band has performed in live houses and music festivals all over Taiwan. Since launching their first single, “Unknown Planets,” in the beginning of 2016, the band has welcomed some new members — guitarist Zhuang Jian Long, bass player Chen Wei Ting, and drummer Pan Buo Hong — who have positively contributed to the band’s chemistry and charisma. In 2017, the “Shit Road” Taiwan tour established Thick Big Band’s reputation as a high energy and joy-inspiring live performance band. In 2018, Thick Big Band launched their first, “Juicy Now.” The titular hit track plainly voices a sense of disappointment in the past and the drive to live their best life in the present. The composition of the song breaks a ways from the traditional linear progression of punk rock by incorporating different rhythms and rap. Famous English producer, Seb Barlow, mixed the song and rendered its dimensions even richer and deeper.

