庸俗救星Vulgar Savior

庸俗救星Vulgar Savior

简介:庸俗救星成军于2020年末,世界遭受病毒纷扰的末日之际。由前“三十万年老虎钳”成员阿雷、晧宇改组后重新出发,成员包含吉他手阿雷、贝斯手晧宇、鼓手允祈、主唱家耘四人。庸俗救星是指每个平凡人在生活中偶尔唤醒自己不平凡的那一刻,其实每个人都是独一无二的。解救庸俗的人不是别人,就是庸俗的自己,我们就是自己的庸俗救星。 曲风以K-Indie为基底,加入Rock、R&B、Funk、迷幻、City Pop等元素,歌曲主题大多描述对生活周遭人事物与自身内心纠结的观察与感受,播放的同时可以感受拥挤都市的压迫;宁静街道的浪漫,时而忧郁;时而欢喜;时而无奈;时而愤怒。 律动感强烈的BASS;沉稳又不失变化的鼓点加上狂放的吉他solo成为音乐的基底外,庸俗救星的作品也加入抓耳的合成器,在复古和现代中做了音色上的融合,配上家耘个性且细腻的嗓音,让Demo在初发表就受到不少乐迷的喜爱,其中歌曲〈快乐都市人〉被StreetVoice平台选为2021“Song of the day”,庸俗救星并获得“摇滚台中”原创音乐大赛铜奖、“agnès b. LISTEN!! 原创音乐线上募集大赏”参奖、“台北周末音乐不断电”优胜、大团诞生2021年度人气第二佳绩。 于2021年末浪漫发行首张专辑《末日倒数的庸俗周记》,2022年发行数位单曲〈困在你的雨季〉,2023年发行数位单曲〈一口一口〉,接连举办【庸俗大排档】、【窗帘小巡回】、【快乐都市人演唱会】并缔造完售佳绩! Joe from the band “Mr. Loud Who Chance” reunited with Ray, who is also from the same band at the end of 2020 and began a whole new project. Since both of them were deeply influenced by K-indie, after consolidating their opinions, they recruited vocalist Claire and drummer Samuel to start the band “Vulgar Savior”. Based on K-indie, adds Rocks, R&B, Funk, Alternate and City pop element. Most of the songs are described the feeling and struggles of life, such as the pressure of a big crowded city and the romantic of a peaceful alley. Depression, joy, frustration, and fury are what Vulgar Savior wants to present. Besides Joe’s groovy bass line, Samuel’s stable but fancy beat and Ray’s wild guitar solo, their songs even add some catchy synth melody as well, combined with the iconic and elegant voice of Claire, making Vulgar Savior’s demo debut bloom.

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