

简介:龙语者简介 龙 语 者 DragonPops “龙语者”由两个十三岁的孩子组成,男孩伍奕龙,女孩贺小语,“龙语者”取自他们的名字。他们均来自北京海嘉双语国际学校,都是8年级学生,自幼接受汉语和英语双母语教育,使他们既植根于中华文化的土壤,又能够饱蘸国际文化色彩!DragonPops is founded by two thirteen-year-olds, both in grade 8 from Beijing International Bilingual Academy with one boy named Wu Yilong(Jeson Wu) and a girl named He Xiaoyu(Sarah He). DragonPops is originated from their Chinese names. As young children, they have received bilingual education, which makes them not only rooted in the profound Chinese civilization but also immersed in the diverse international cultures.他们想通过自己稚嫩的歌声,让全世界听到中国孩子的声音,知道他们的所思所想,感受到孩子们内心强烈呼唤!“Earth is our miracles” 这首歌就是他们在呼吁全世界的人们来关爱地球,保护环境!爱这大地,这天空,这山,这水,这大自然的馈赠,这大自然的奇迹!哀婉中的祈求,祈祷中的希冀,就像滴滴嗒嗒的雨珠,圆润,清亮,穿越时空,滴在你我的心际,泛起你我内心的涟漪!爱的小舟荡漾开去,爱这蓝天!爱这大地!爱这大自然的奇迹!出发,扬起风帆,鼓起勇气,保护我们神奇的地球!! In “Earth is our miracle.” they are hoping to sing this song in a tender voice to let the world acknowledge the Chinese children are calling to let listeners love the Earth, and protect the environment. (Such as creating less wastes) The song also urges listeners to help combat conflicts (especially climate changes) that are endangering Earth’s species and harming the Earth. It states the pressing concern that we as all Earthlings, should express gratitude and show our cherished love for the gifts that nature gives us, the earth, the sky, the mountains and the waters. While listening to the song, you may hear the earnest praying, the hopes from prayers like rain drops that pitter-patters through time, through the ripples of our heart. While listening to the song, you would also imagine a boat full of love sailing toward the blue sky! Love the earth! Love the miracles of nature! Let’s have courage and together we shall protect and guard our magical earth!女孩,贺小语(Sarah He),出生于2005年6月, 4岁多参演张艺谋导演的《山楂树之恋》,扮演李雪健的孙女--欢欢,和窦骁、周冬雨演出很多精彩片段,而且还是位运动小达人,她和她的小队员们为学校获得过许多类别运动的奖杯;由于热爱足球且踢得好,2016年拍摄了耐克全球足球广告,同年获得BTV北京客首届《阅榜样》电视大赛英语辩论大赛冠军;最可贵的是,她有一颗公益之心,是环保小卫士!经常担任“零消费”公众号的义工,她的梦想是长大以后做一位世界慈善人士,能够尽其所能的帮助世界每个角落需要帮助的人!Sarah He, born in June, 2005, is acknowledged as a little all-rounded talented star. When she was 4, she acted in a movie called “Under the Hawthorn Tree” Directed by Zhangyimo, and played the role of Huanhuan, the granddaughter of Li Xuejian, a really well-known actor in China. As a result of her remarkable performance in the movie “Under the Hawthorn Tree”, she was granted a lot more chances with famous actors like Dou Xiao and actress Zhou Dongyu. Sarah is also a very talented in sports, she has won many trophies in various sports competitions with her teammates, and also shot a NIKE soccer commercial. Sarah is also very competent at English debating, winning first in a BTV English competition. She is also very keen on charity as a young environmentalist. She is currently volunteering for “THE BULK HOUSE (The first zero waste store in China)’s” social media account, and she always dreams to become a philanthropist, and also hopes to create a positive change in the world we live in today. 男孩,伍奕龙(Jeson Wu),生于2005年5月,自幼热爱中国传统文化,一岁多即认识上千汉字,背诵百多首古诗词;六岁皈依佛门,打坐参禅诵经听佛,深得佛法智慧熏陶!自幼音乐听力超长,经常被大家赞誉为“音乐奇才”!虽没有走专业的音乐道路,但始终坚持钢琴学习,目前钢琴9级,曾获得北京市钢琴音乐节比赛9岁组金奖,学习作曲不久即做出这首“Earth is our miracles ”,这是他谱曲的第一个作品。多年来在学校担任摇滚乐队的键盘手和室内交响乐团的钢琴伴奏,是位有着自己音乐梦想的孩子!Jeson Wu, born in May, 2005, was so fond of Chinese traditional culture that when he was only 1 years old already could learn to read more than 1,000 characters and recite over 100 ancient poems. When he was 6, he was converted to Buddhism and has mastered the essence of Buddhism while sitting in meditation, chanting Buddhist texts and listening to Buddha dharma. He is also very gifted in music, and often was praised as “The musical prodigy." Although he is not pursuing musical professionally, he never quits practicing the piano. He has passed Grade 9 Piano and has won first in a piano competition “Beijing Piano Musical Festival” nine-year-old group. Not long after learning song writing, he wrote his first piece of music, “Earth is our miracles.” Also, due to past years’ experiences of being the keyboard player in the school’s rock band and Chamber Orchestra, he proves himself to be a decisive boy chasing his music dream!

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