The Fausty 浮世人

The Fausty 浮世人

简介:這是一個用虛構的角色來面對浮沈世界中種種困難及挑戰的嘗試。 借用了浮士德的名字,名為The Fausty 浮世人。 慢慢的,角色有了靈魂,雕刻了人格,活在了每一位聽過他故事的人的心中。 The Fausty is a word created by a singer/songwriter Wei Jyun, Hong for his solo project which mixed with the main character from a classic german legend "The Faust" and the Japanese art genre "Ukiyo-e" to describe a personality about how human mind and soul can be polished and sculpted by pursuing truth and meaningful experience while one's making his/her way in the world. With the music experiences that deeply influenced by genres like R&B, blues, soul, Gospel, Hong decided to expand his approach and adding electric texture in his guitar-based, dark, sentimental groovy music style.

