Color Filter

Color Filter

小简介: Color Filter是一只来自日本东京的电子乐队 灵魂人物Ryuji Tsuneyoshi身兼吉他,谱曲的工作,并且他居然是获过奖的核物理学家 他在1996年组成了Color Filter这个乐队,因为他发现可以用AKAI采样器和Macintosh制作音乐的可能性。 同时,他也为自己工作的商业电视台作曲。对于suneyoshi来说,他不被任何人影响而做有自己喜爱的音乐,远比他曾在一个受英国后朋克影响的乐队中当吉他手所获得机会要多得多。 值得庆幸,他做出了这个明智的决定,才让我们听到了以清新的鼓声和贝斯和谐伴奏的电气乐队。 乐队另一成员就是主音Yuki Nishimura,嗓音纤细柔美,亦如众多日式女声梦幻般的呻吟,并有人将其与Saint Etienne, Cocteau Twins, Stereolab and Broadcast等等作比。 Biography Tokyo's Ryuji Tsuneyoshi is Color Filter. When he's not off doing music for Japanese television commercials or being an award-winning nuclear physicist, this fine lad makes blissful electro-pop for your petal pushing pleasure. And hence the title for his new album, "I often think in music," is a simple and honest statement. After the 1998 critically acclaimed release of "Sleep in a Synchrotron" on Fuzzy Box Records, Color Filter turned heads in the indie-pop scene all over the world. It wasn't long before "Children of Summer," the seeming favorite on that album, was licensed by Moonshine for the 1998 "Option FM" CD compilation, and soonafter licensed by ESPN to accompany the "X-games" summersports program. In addition to some low-key 12" and 7" releases on labels like Elefant (Spain) and Blackbean and Placenta (USA), Color Filter went on to release a remix album in 1999 on Darla Records which features remixes by Sugar Plant, Click'n Cycle, Buzz, and Flowchart. "I often think in music" offers more of the innocent pop, charming melodies, trip hop beats, shoegazer elements, and blissy Japanese female vocals, plus some of Color Filter's own dubbed-out versions of his own tracks. This time, the production is more intricate, the instrumentation is more diverse, and it's about as "trippy" as Japanese pop gets. -- Sean O'Neal

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