

简介: Casino:英[kəˈsi:nəʊ] 美[kəˈsino]<br/>名词复数: casinos <br/> 基本释义:1、名词 n. 赌场;娱乐场 ; 俱乐部 <br/>例句:<br/>The gambling area of a casino.<br/>&apos;赌&apos;。&apos;&apos;台区娱乐场内的赌博区。<br/>Casino owner : Always like this.<br/>赌场老板:总是如此。<br/>The Casino at night - very beautiful!<br/>赌场的夜景—实在是太美了!<br/>I just play in your casino since 2002.<br/>我从2002年开始就在你们的赌场玩了。<br/>Stop the truck bomb destroying the Casino!<br/>阻止汽车炸弹摧毁赌场!<br/>In the second casino we went to, I won $300.<br/>在我们去的第二家娱乐场,我赢了300美元。<br/>They went to a casino where two bands spelled each other.<br/>他们到一个夜总会去玩,那里有两个乐队轮番演奏。<br/>I did not meet this kind of situation in other Casino! ! !<br/>我在其它赌场都没遇到过这种情况!!!<br/>It is the absolute win of the casino no matter what you bet.<br/>也是指无论赌客往哪边下注,赌场都一定赢的百分比。<br/>He usually divides his holidays between the beach and the casino .<br/>他的假期通常是在海滨和娱乐场间度过的。<br/>Do you have a casino to try his luck, where Asia&apos;s most famous casino.<br/>您有尝试一个的赌博娱乐场他的运气,亚洲的最著名的赌博娱乐场。<br/>Investors from Macao even run a casino in the heart of the Stalinist state.<br/>来自澳门的投资者甚至在这个食大林国家开设了赌场。<br/>Business deals such as the casino, prison and toxic waste dump also depress Mayor Rating.<br/>商业建筑,如赌场、监狱和有毒废物处理场也会降低市长评价。<br/>&quot;Somehow, I&apos;ll spend it. I&apos;ll spend it at the casino, and I might go to Vegas. &quot; said Crawford.<br/>克劳福德说:“总之,我会花掉这笔钱的,我会在赌场花,或许我会去拉斯维加斯。”<br/>It is not surprising to me that mini-baccarat is one of the least popular table games in any casino.<br/>这不是令我感到诧异迷你五星宏辉是在任何赌场最不受欢迎的桌面游戏之一。<br/>Although no such evidence was presented, the casino&apos;s marketing department continued to pepper him with mailings.<br/>虽然没有如此的证据被呈现,但是销售部门的赌场由于邮寄到胡椒粉他。<br/>&quot; A spokesman for the casino said: &quot;We never talk about any individual, whether they are a customer or otherwise.<br/>赌场方面的发言人则说到:“我们从来不公开私人信息,无论他是一名普通顾客,还是公众人物。”<br/>Banning prop trading by retail banks would prevent state-insured deposits being used as chips in the financial casino.<br/>禁止零售银行从事自营交易,将防止国家担保的存款被用作金融赌场中的筹码。<br/>It&apos;s one of the world&apos;s great shopping streets: huge outlet malls with exclusive boutiques and exquisite casino resorts.<br/>它是全世界最棒的购物街之一:庞大的商场小路伴随着昂贵的奢侈品和高贵的赌场胜地。<br/>It is unacceptable that a group of speculators would turn the world into a gigantic casino and tell us how we should run governments.<br/>一群投机分子想把世界变成一个巨大的赌场,还来告诉我们应该如何管理政府,这是不能接受的。<br/>A man opened fire on a Las Vegas casino early this morning, wounding four people before being tackled by off-duty military reservists.<br/>拉斯维加斯一家赌场今日凌晨发生枪击案。一男子在开枪射伤四人后被下班的预备役军人制伏。<br/>Three old women go to the casino to ease their loneliness. A strange woman gives them the last chip of her which helps them win a lot.<br/>三位中年的亚裔妇女,在赌场中寻求生活仅的有乐趣,最后一片筹码,会是幸运的关键,还是三人关系的决裂点。<br/>From a probabilities perspective, this means that instead of being the person playing the slot machine, as a trader, you can be the casino, if.<br/>从概率的角度来说,作为交易者,你并不是一个人在玩吃角子老虎机,你也可以是赌场,只要。<br/>Laifu fails the first interview at the casino due to shyness. Zhumei teaches Laifu how to handle interviews. Laifu finally passes the interview.<br/>来富害羞,导致第一次的荷官面试不及格。珠美教来富如何应付面试,来富终于通过面试。<br/>He chose to speak in the heart of the once-glorious City rather than in the casino-country of Canary Wharf, London&apos;s wholesale financial district.<br/>他选择了在曾经风光无限的伦敦市中心地段发言,而不是在赌场为患的伦敦零售金融街道金丝雀码头讲话。<br/>To attract more tourists, the government decided to legalise gambling and to allow two casino resorts to be developed at Marina South and Sentosa in 2005.<br/>为了吸引更多的游客,政府于2005年决定将赌博业合法化,并且允许发展位于滨海南及圣淘沙的两大赌场。<br/>To make quick money is the biggest Chinese characteristics, but also its greatest weakness, the situation is like casino bookmakers are always winners, leisure always lose money home.<br/>赚快钱是中国人的最大特性,也是其最大的弱点,情况有如赌场的庄家永远都是赢家,閒家永远都是输钱。<br/>The casino issued to him, as a good customer, a Fun Card, which when used in the casino earns points for meals and drinks, and enables the casino to track the user&apos;s gambling activities.<br/>赌场如一个好客户对他发行一张有趣的卡片而且使赌场能够追踪使用者的孤注一掷活动,当用在赌场中赚得点作为一餐和饮料。<br/>The earliest cover, from the 1955 paperback edition of Bond&apos;s debut, &quot;Casino Royale, &quot; shows a strangely bland Bond, bow-tied and with a carnation in his buttonhole, seated at a poker table.<br/>最早的封面来自1955年邦德初次登场的平装本,“皇家赌场”,显示了特别温和的邦德形象,系着蝴蝶领结,纽扣上插着一枝康乃馨,坐在扑克桌边。<br/>In blackjack, on the other hand, a very disciplined trader who follows a tested strategy and counts cards has a slight edge over the casino, on the order of 1 or 2 percent, sometimes higher.<br/>另一方面,在二十一点游戏中,一个非常有纪律的玩家遵循曾经测试有效的策略,数牌能力会比赌场略占优势,约1%到2%,有时更高一些。<br/>2、名词 n. 卡西诺 (地名;澳大利亚)<br/> 英英释义:<br/>基本释义(柯林斯词典)<br/>casino [kəˈsiːnəʊ]<br/>n<br/>a public building or room in which gaming takes place, esp roulette and card games such as baccarat and chemin de fer<br/>a variant spelling of cassino<br/>同反义词(wordnet词典)<br/>casino<br/>casinos <br/>Noun<br/>1. a public building for gambling and entertainment<br/>(synonym) gambling casino <br/>(hypernym) gambling house , gambling den , gambling hell , gaming house <br/>2. a card game in which cards face up on the table are taken with eligible cards in the hand<br/>(synonym) cassino <br/>(hypernym) card game , cards <br/>(hyponym) royal casino <br/> 网络例句:<br/>The gambling area of a casino. <br/>赌台区娱乐场内的赌博区 <br/>AoMen is famous for its gambling casino. <br/>澳门以赌场驰名。 <br/>It was performed in fashionable Casino ballrooms. <br/>人们在时髦的娱乐舞厅里跳这种舞蹈。 <br/>He diced his fortune away at the casino. <br/>赌场上他赌输了财产。 <br/>The dealers can exchange your dollars for casino tips. <br/>庄家可以帮你把钱换成游乐券。 <br/>Casino品牌<br/> Casino最开始进入国内市场的时候,因为其较高的价格而不为人们所接受,一个品牌要进入一个市场,依靠其价格优势是惯用的手段,CASINO依靠对客户的真诚用心,去塑造品牌形象。<br/> 它最初的定位是以手工为主的奢侈品牌,这要源自于意大利casino手工工厂的传统,奢华而低调的作风;后来发现奢侈品牌的定义不太符合中国人的消费习惯,于是也开始生产中低端产品,目前以中高端为主,适当投放相关低端产品,让独特顶级的奢华服务可以平民化。<br/>Casino过渡<br/> 来自于1991年从意大利的精湛手工casino,也曾经低迷一时。<br/> 19世纪五十年代,鸿利制鞋厂诞生,也是以平常的手工鞋为主,在创始人慢慢地打理之下,成为香港鞋业比较有实力的工厂之一。<br/> 时间的流逝让鸿利制鞋厂的开始寻求突破,一次意外的走访便对深居意大利的casino产生兴趣,经过不懈努力,于1991年成功收购品牌casino。<br/> 2009年,casino进驻国内市场,开始了其低调奢华的理念旅程<br/>

