

简介:Fragile的艺人档案 香港后摇滚乐团fragile选择语言以外的世界,对听众说说故事。他们用白色的声场做成茧,包裹着最脆弱的情感。音乐里描绘的生与死、冷与暖都没有定案,你听到的喜可能是我耳朵里的悲。你亲自感受到的一切情感与画面只属于你一人,那一份脆弱只对你一人表露。 fragile诉说的都是人性,因为人性本就是如此脆弱。 Fragile is a sense of temporary existence. It’s a green blossom, or an autumn tinted leaves, it’s a newborn, or a white haired elderly. It is the beginning and the end. It is an imperfection, therefore it is not meant to last. And because it doesn’t lasts, we would treasure the melancholy beauty of the object, not dare to blink, won’t miss a thing. Fragile is a sense of honesty. We all living in a cynical world, we are taught to armed ourselves. Growing spikes and armor, hiding our true self. We roar and try to fight people off. Being able to opens up the vulnerable side requires relatively much more courage. This purity of expression has its audience, it’s like a candle light in the ever changing world, and you’ll reach out your hand to protect it, and treasure the warmth it projects. One of the Hong Kong’s finest post-rock group choose the world without language, a storyteller without words. By using white noises as the silk to a cocoon, they wrapped up the most vulnerable emotions ever existed to a man. Life and death, cold and warmth, it is for you to decide what lines between the music notes. It is for you alone, for your very own precious emotion. expresses what human nature is all about, and our nature, is simply fragile.

