Her Space Holiday

Her Space Holiday

小简介: Her Space Holiday来自美国德州 是由Marc Biachi一人主脑的乐队 才华洋溢的Marc除了一手包办所有专辑的编制 也是著名AIP厂牌经营者 曾和REM ,Album Leaf ,Stereolab,Bright Eyes ,Arab Strap, American Analog Set....等等独立界知名艺人合作过! Her Space Holiday 他们似乎自成一家 难用一两个风格来定义 也找不出类似的乐队与之相比拟 他们有类似Explosion in the sky般的Post Rock氛围乐章 有Boards of canada般IDM的质感 有比Sarah更清纯的indie pop小调 交错的小提琴和大提琴以及环绕着即兴演奏 听Her Space Holiday 的音乐就注定要心跳加快 似乎环游在他们的音乐太空 他们的音乐也不会按照常理的规条 喜欢怎样玩弄你的耳朵都可以 其实他们就是天才 把当今最为前卫的音乐元素都拿来融入到自己的音乐里 也从不会有人说他们在抄袭 因为他们已经把原来的音乐档次提高了一 AudioInformationPhenomemon label head Marc Bianchi began the electronic-based space pop project Her Space Holiday mostly as a bedroom endeavor in 1996, after departing the hardcore scene. (Hed played in bands like Indian Summer and Calm.) Releases during that formative period included the Audio Astronomy 12, Astronauts Are Sleeping, and the Something Blue EP. Then Her Space Holiday moved to Tiger Style for the 2000 full-length Home Is Where You Hang Yourself, and the well-received effort led to touring and remix offers. After a 2001 move from San Francisco to Austin, TX, Bianchi and his girlfriend/collaborator Keely issued the Manic Expressive LP, and followed that with 2003s Young Machines (Mush). The Young Machines remix project appeared soon after, with work from notables like Matmos, Super Furry Animals, and Stereolab. Two new discs were in the works for 2005; the Lets Get Quiet, Vol. 1 EP emerged in May, and a full-length album, Past Presents the Future, followed a few months later. The second Lets Get Quiet EP arrived in 2007.

