Lost in Beijing

Lost in Beijing

简介:“Lost in Beijing是一对音乐风格多变的制作人/DJ组合,由来自纽约的Ethan Serjak和常驻上海的留学生Rugby Scruggs组成。在组合中,Ethan对智能音乐,Neuro和旋律Dubstep的熟练掌控,与Rugby对Riddim还有重低音音乐的精通,完美地契合在了一起。这对新晋的音乐人组合自2018年的夏天第一次登台演出,仅仅一年的时间就与Twine, YOOKiE, MiTiS, Moonboy, Warz, Sihk, Vesk Green等国内外知名音乐人同台献艺。几个月后,Lost in Beijing更是在上海,杭州和广州开始了他们的组合首次巡演,受到了广大乐迷的热烈欢迎。2019年开始,带着炸裂的Dubstep与Trap以及流畅优美的Lofi音乐,Lost in Beijing早已准备好要在电子音乐界大展拳脚。组合将要在中国和美国各大城市陆续进行演出,爱电子音乐的你,千万不要错过。 Lost in Beijing is a multi-genre Producer/ DJ duo, composed of New Yorker Ethan Serjak and Shanghai student Rugby Scruggs. Ethan’s background in IDM, Neuro, and Melodic Dubstep seamlessly merges with Rugby’s affinity for heavy Riddim and dirty Bass Music. This innovative new duo shared the stage for the first time in the summer of 2018, and has since played alongside the likes of Twine, YOOKiE, MiTiS, Moonboy, Warz, Sihk, Vesk Green, and more, as well as headlined their own shows in Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Guangzhou. The two have relentlessly prepared for their massive 2019 release schedule, featuring everything from silky-smooth Lofi to neck-breaking Dubstep and Trap, all with a unique Lost in Beijing twist. Catch the two performing across the United States and China in a city near you!”

