

简介:何宣恩 Esther Hope,出生于台湾,14岁时全家移民美国,目前定居于芝加哥。五岁开始学习钢琴,毕业于中田纳西州立大学(MTSU),主修古典钢琴学士、副修音乐与录音工业。也自美南浸信会神学院硕士毕业 (SBTS) ,主修敬拜学。由于父亲是牧师,从小深受教会音乐洗涤,并于学龄时广泛接触古典、流行、摇滚、爵士乐...等多元风格。曾获「倍恩金嗓子(DPM)」演唱比赛冠军、「美国角声(CCHC)」音乐创作比赛亚军。创作歌曲多次收录于「讚美之泉」福音系列专辑,亦曾任《芝加哥芝音合唱团》副指挥一职。 始终相信音乐可以疗癒人心,目前专职于音乐教学和创作,并经常受邀成人音乐教育训练,并于各大活动演奏、献唱。同时经营个人 Youtube 频道「nooeoon」,透过歌曲创作、演奏、翻唱,纪录生活中的美好片刻,与听者分享。2021年也发行个人首张音乐创作专辑「台南印象」。期盼每次的创作不仅能记录下当下个人心境,也能成为安慰人心的温暖支持。 Born and raised in Taiwan, Esther Hope immigrated to the United States when she was fourteen and is now residing in Chicago. Esther started learning piano at the age of five and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University with a Bachelor's degree in Classical Piano and a minor in Music and Recording Industry. She holds a Master of Arts degree from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary with the focus on Worship. Growing up in the pastor’s family, Esther is deeply immersed and influenced by church music. Pursuing her love of music, she then ventured into various genres of music, such as classical, jazz pop, rock, and etc. Esther has won first place at the Double Portion Media singing competition and second place at the Chinese Christian Herald Crusades music composition competition. She also served as the assistant conductor of the Chicago Musica Chorus Ensemble. Her music compositions are included in the albums of Streams of Praise. Esther is a firm believer that music can bring healing to people's hearts. She focuses her current music career on music composition and piano teaching. She is a regular speaker for adult music education and training. She continues to perform for major events throughout Chicago land. Simultaneously, she also runs a personal Youtube channel, “nooeoon.” In which, she shares her life with her listeners through her music compositions, performance, and cover songs. In 2021, she successfully released her first piano album Memories of Tainan. Esther hopes that her songs not only capture precious moments of life, but can also become a sustaining comfort and warm support for others.



